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单词 press


❷ squee-zing,pressure,weight挤压,压力,重压。
△Wiv.2.1.79(77):“for he cares not what he puts in to the press,”他是毫不在乎,把什么都塞进他那个印刷机里去的(双关)。
2. throng,crowd 大群人,人群。
△H.VIII.4.1.76:“Great bellied women,/ That had not half a week to go,like rams / In the old time of war,would shakethe press / And make 'em (i.e. the crowd) reel before'em (i.e.the women).”那些挺着大肚子的女人,不出半个礼拜就要生娃娃了,却像古代战争中的攻城大槌似的,向着人群直冲,使得人群在她们冲撞之下东倒西歪。
△H.VIII.5.4.90(5.3.84): “Go,break among the press,and find a wayout / To let the troop pass fairly:” 去,到人群中打开一条路来,让客人们好好通过。
3. clothes-press,upright closet in which clothes arekept 衣橱。
△Wiv.3.3.224 (211):“and in the pres-ses.”在衣橱里。
△Wiv.4.2.64 (61): “Neither press.coffer. chest. well. vault.” 无论衣橱、柜子、箱子、井、地窑。
4. commission for impressment. warrant to force mento serve in the army,warrant for conscripting 强征入伍令,征兵令。
King's press: royal warrant for conscripting troops 国王征兵令。
△1H.IV.4.2.13 (12):“I have misused the
King's press damnably. ”我把国王的征兵令滥用得不像样子。


1. be heavy on. weigh down压,压下。
△Rom.1.1.192(186): “Griefs of mine own lie heavy in my breast.Which thou wilt propagate to have it pressed / Withmore of thine.” i.e.My griefs are heavv in mybreast. and you will increase them by weighing downyour griefs upon this weight on my heart. 我自己的悲哀已经压得我心头沉重,再压上你的悲哀,更增加我的苦痛。(按:此处借用以压条法使葡萄藤埋于地下生根繁殖作为比喻。)
△ Rom.3.2.60: “And thou and Romeo press oneheavy bier!”你和罗米欧一同睡上一个沉重的棺架!press to death:an old form of torture which laidheavy weights upon the chest of the victim until heconfessed压死——一种古老的酷刑,即以重物挤压被告胸腹,逼其招供。
△Ado.3.1.75:“She would mock me into air:O.she would laugh me / Out of myself,press me to death with wit.”她会把我嘲骂死;她会笑得我无地自容,用人堆俏皮话把我压死。
2. oppress. constrain压迫,强迫。
△H.VIII.3.2.333 (332):“O mylord,/ Press not a talling mantoo far!”啊,大人,对一个要倒台的人不要逼迫得太过分了。
3. impress压印,传递。
△Mid. 22.65:“With half that wish ( =the sleep’s rest) the wisher’s eyes be pressed.”愿把一半的祝福分给你,让你也闭目入睡。

pressing to death

4. impress. i. e. force into military service,conscript强迫服兵役,强制,征召。
△1H.IV.4.2.16(14): “I press me none but good householders,”我专去征集那些有钱人家子弟。
press forth: force into military service,draft... intothe army强迫…服兵役,征集…入伍。
△3H.VI.2.5.64:“From London by the King was I pressed forth; / Myfather,being the Earl of Warwick's man,/ Came onthe part of York,pressed by his master,”我是在伦敦受国王征召来当兵的;我的父亲是沃里克伯爵的仆人,受他的主人征召,加入约克一方来到战场。
~ vi.
1. crowd,throng拥挤,蜂拥。
△Rom.3.2.110: “ButO. it presses to my memory Like damned guiltydeeds to sinners' minds.” 它已闯入了我的记忆,好像滔天罪行牢牢记在罪犯心中一般。
2. push or throng forward,hurry 向前推挤,急赶。
△Rom.5.3.215: “To press before thy father to agrave?” push forward in front of your father tograve?抢在你的老父前面进入坟墓?
△3H.VI.3.1.19:“No humble suitors press to speak for right,”没有谦卑的申诉人拥向前来求你主持正义。


v.& n.压,按,紧握,挤
◇ be press for缺少
be pressed for time时间紧迫
in the press在行动中
make one’s way through the press挤过人群
press about(around)拥挤在…周围
press ahead with the government institutional reform推进政府机构改革
press home极力主张
press on继续
press one’s way向前挤
press the board压板
‖ outside pressure外界压力
press behind neck颈后推
press clean高翻推
press defiance紧逼防守
press down向下压
press downward向下压
press downward on the board向下压板
press forward挤
press handstand慢起手倒立
press lockout半推
press of sail满帆
press of the rack架上推举
press on box卧推
press out from neck从头后推出
press out推举失败
press to handstand慢起手倒立
press zone区域紧逼
pressing all-court game全场紧逼
pressing defence紧逼防守
pressing forward挤
pressing leg at side侧压腿
pressing leg behind后压腿
pressing leg in crouch step仆步压腿
pressing leg in front正压腿
pressing man-for-man defiance紧逼人盯人防守
pressing offence压缩防守的进攻法
pressing shoulders压肩
pressing the legs against the forehead双腿紧贴前额
pressure[ˈpreʃə(r)]n. 压,压力,压迫,强制,紧迫
pressure adjustment压力调节
pressure airship软式飞艇
pressure altimeter气压高度表
pressure altitude压力高度
pressure barrel弹道炮管
pressure booster增压器
pressure boost增压
pressure cabin压力舱
pressure chamber压力舱
pressure contours等压线
pressure defence紧逼防守
pressure depth压强深度
pressure difference压力差
pressure differential flying压差飞行
pressure effect压力效应
pressure-fall area降压区
pressure field structure压力分布
pressure field压力场
pressure force压阻部队
pressure glide压滑剑
pressure group压力集团
pressure helmet加压飞行帽
pressure hold压手支点
pressure in chamber膛压
pressure indicator压力指示器,压力计
pressure instrumentation测压设备
pressure jet高压喷气发动机
pressure meter压力计
pressure mine液压水雷
pressure muscle of abdominal cavity腹压肌
pressure passing强制传球
pressure point弹簧箭侧垫
pressure rating压力等级
pressure regulator压力调节器
pressure recorder压力记录器
pressure reduction减压
pressure regulation appliance 调压装置
pressure-relief push rod 减压推杆
pressure-relief valve减压阀
pressure roll下压转动
pressure sensation压觉
pressure theory压力理论
pressurization n. pressurization control 增 压 控 制
pressurize to canvass or not to canvass迫使他人进行或不进行拉票活动
pressurized cabin加压驾驶舱,密封驾驶室
pressurized capsule密封舱
pressurized seal气压密封
pressurized suit飞行员增压服
pressurized-water reactor压水 (核)反应堆
pressurizer n.加压器,增压器

◇off the press已印好
out of press绝版
‖ academic press学术出版社
arming press旧式烫金机
Associated Press联合通讯社(即: 美联社)/blanking press烫金机,压箔机
colour press彩印报纸
copper-plate press凹版印刷机
dating press打印日期机
die stamping press凹凸印刷机
effect on press对报界的影响
embossing press压花机
etching press铜板印刷机
foreign language press外文报刊
free press免费报刊
freedom of the press出版自由
gilding press烫金机
gravure offset printing press照相凹版胶印机
hire press御用报刊
International Press Association国际新闻协会
marking press压 (刻)印机,压痕机
offset press胶印机
perfecting press双面印刷机
photogravure press凹版印刷机
press advance预写消息
press agency新闻社,通讯社,报刊通讯社
press agent新闻广告员
press associations(新闻)通讯社
press ban禁止发行
press baron报业巨头
press box新闻记者席,记者席
press boy体育记者
press briefing新闻简报会,记者招待会
press call新闻电话
press card记者证
press circles新闻界
press communique新闻公报
press conference记者招待会
press corps记者团
press corrector校对人员
press correspondent新闻记者
press council新闻议会
press coverage新闻报道
press cut剪报
press department新闻处
press gallery 新闻记者席
press kit宣传资料袋
press law新闻法
press man新闻工作者
press notice报刊短评
press officer新闻发布官
press party新闻发布会
press photographer摄影记者press proof清样
press reader清样校对人
press release新闻公告,新闻简报,新闻稿
press release conference新闻发布会
press report新闻报道
press room记者室
press section新闻处
press spokesman新闻发言人
press stand记者席
press statement向新闻界发表的声明,新闻公报
press steward新闻联络员
press table记者席
press view向记者的预展
protest press抗议性报刊
public press新闻出版界
record-molding press唱片压制机
stamping press压箔机,烫金机
test press打样机
underground press publications地下报刊
urgent press加急新闻电报
pressing[ˈpresiŋ]n. 唱片,模压制品 adj. 急迫的
press-photographer n.摄影记者
pressroom n. 印刷室,记者室
press-show v.在公映前向新闻界预映
pressware n.压制玻璃器皿
presswoman n. 女新闻记者
presswork n.印刷术,印刷工作,印刷品





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