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❶ (走远路) go on a journey; travel: 踏上 ~ 途 embark on the road; 万里长 ~ go on a journey of thousands of miles
❷ (证讨) go on a punitive expedition; start a campaign: 去远 ~ go on an expedition; 出 ~ campaign; 南 ~ 北战 fighting north and south; campaigning up and down the country
❸ (政府召集人民服务) recruit; levy; draft: 应 ~ 入伍 be drafted into the army
❹ (征收) collect; impose; levy: ~ 收烟酒税 impose duties on tobaccos and wines
❺ (征求) solicit; ask for: ~ 订 solicit for subscriptions Ⅱ ❶ (证明; 证验) evidence; proof: 明 ~ clear evidence; 无 ~ 之言 an unfounded assertion; 信而有 ~ be supported by proof; 有实物可 ~。There is solid evidence.
❷ (表露出的迹象; 现象) sign; portent; symbol: 特 ~ characteristic; trait; feature; 象 ~ symbol; emblem; token
◆征兵 conscript; draft; call-up; levy; recruit soldiers; conscription; 征兵工作条例 regulations of conscription work; 征尘 dust which settles on one during a journey; 征程 journey; 征调 requisition; call up; 征发 [旧] levy; collect; 征伐 go on a punitive expedition; 征帆 [书] a ship on a long journey; 征服 conquer; subjugate; 征稿 solicit contributions; 征购 requisition by purchase; requisition; {军} procurement; 征候 sign; indication; symptom; 征婚 advertise for life partner; marriage advertising; marriage-seeking; 征婚广告 marriage advertisement; 征婚启事 lonely-hearts advertisement; 征集 collect; draft; call up; recruit; 征粮 impose grain levies; requisitioning of grain; grain levies; 征募 enlist; recruit; conscript; 征聘 give public notice of vacancies to be filled; invite applications for jobs; advertise for (a secretary, teacher, etc.); 征求 solicit; seek; ask for; 征收 levy; collect; impose; 征税 tax collection; levy (tax); taxation; collect tax; 征途 journey; 征文 solicit articles or essays; 征信部门 credit department; 征询 seek the opinion of; consult; probe; ask advice of; hold consultations with; 征引 quote; cite; 征用 take over for use; commandeer; expropriation; requisition; 征兆 omen; portent; sign; evidence; foretaste; 征召 call up; enlist; draft; conscript; [书] appoint to an official position





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