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单词 pitch
pitch/pɪtʃ/ v [-es / ɪz/; -ed, -ed /t/]; n [-es / ɪz/]

v (1)支(搭)(帐篷),扎(营) (set up a tent or camp) [T+n]:~a tent 支一顶帐篷;They~ed camp near the stream. 他们在小溪附近扎营。〖同〗erect,set,fix,establish;

(2) 1)使定调 (set (music or voice) at a certain level) [T+n+prep C+n+adj]: (music) be~ed too high for sb (音乐)对某人来说调子定得太高;~a song in a lower/higher key 将歌曲的调子定得低/高些;~one's voice so it would cut through the noise 提高嗓音使它能盖过噪音;a high/low~ed tune 调子定得高/低的曲子;~one's hopes too high (fig) 把期望值定得太高; 2) 以某种方式或水平表达(express sth in a certain style or at a certain level) [T+n+prep C+n+adj] (fig):~the explanation/the speech at a very simple level 用很简单的语言解释/讲话;~a lecture at just the right level/the level of the students 将讲座的水准定得恰到好处/适合于学生的程度;~sth high/strong 将某事夸大;

(3)(使)栽(摔)倒 ((cause to) fall heavily or suddenly esp forwards or outwards) [I I+prep I+adv T+n T+n+prep T+n+adv]:~on one's head/into the lake 头朝地跌倒/跌到湖里;A shot rang out,and the soldier~ed headlong to the ground/forward. 枪响了,士兵一头栽倒在地上/扑倒。He lost his balance and~ed out of the window head first. 他失去平衡,从窗口头朝下栽了出去。The boat overturned and the passengers (were)~ed out. 船翻了,乘客都(被)摔了出去。〖同〗fall;

(4)(船或飞机)上下颠簸 ((of a ship or aircraft) move up and down on the water or in the air violently) [I I+adv]: (ship)~and roll on the rough sea (船)在风浪中上下颠簸,左右摇晃;Our ship~ed about in the storm. 我们的船在暴风雨中上下颠簸。〖同〗 toss,plunge;

(5)扔,掷,撵(throw sb or sth in the specified direction esp with impatience or energetic dislike) [T+n T+n+prep]:~a ball to the other end of the field/a stone into the river/rubbish over the wall/the hay into a wagon 将球扔到场地的另一端/石头扔进河里/垃圾扔出墙外/干草扔到车上;~the drunkard/the troublemakers/the noisy people out (of the club) 将醉汉/闹事者/吵吵嚷嚷的人撵出(俱乐部)去;

(6) 1)(板球运动) (使球)落在三柱门附近位置 ((in cricket) (cause the ball to) strike the ground near or around the upright pieces of wood at which the ball is aimed) [I I+prep I+adv T+n+adv]: The ball was~ed short. 投出的球的落点离三柱门很近(即离击球手很远)。2)(棒球运动)将球投向击球手 ((in baseball) throw the ball to the batter) [I T+n]:~a ball with a slight curve 以小弧线投球;〖同〗throw, hurl, cast, toss;

(7)讲(故事);找(借口) (tell (a story) or give (an excuse)) [T+n] (infml):~a yarn that not even a child would have believed 讲一个连孩子都不会相信的故事;

pitch in (v adv) 1)开始努力干工作 (vi) (infml): If everyone~es in, the job will soon be finished. 如果每个人都努力干,这个活儿很快就能干完。2) 使劲吃 (vi) (infml): There's plenty food for everyone, so~in. 每个人都有很多吃的东西,使劲吃吧。

pitch in with (v adv prep) 帮助,支持 (vt): They~ed in with an offer of money. 他们提供资金帮助。

pitch into (v prep) 1)开始努力干 (某事),投身于 (infml): If everyone~es into the job, we'll soon get it finished. 如果每个人都努力干活,我们很快就能把它干完。2)使劲吃(东西) (infml): Don't wait to be served, just~into whatever food you want. 别等着别人伺候你,想吃什么你就使劲吃吧。3)猛烈攻击(某人) (infml): He~ed into me with his fists. 他用拳头使劲打我。

→pitched adj (屋顶)成斜坡的;不平的;͵pitch-and-′toss n 一种向目标投掷硬币的游戏;′pitchfork n 干草叉;vt 用(干草)叉叉;′pitcher n (棒球)投球手;

n(1) 1) (板球运动)三柱门之间的场地 ((in cricket) part of the ground between the wickets) [C]; 2) (某些球类运动的)场地,运动场 (marked area of ground for certain games) [C]: a cricket/hockey/football~板球/曲棍球/足球运动场地;The~is too wet to play on. 场地太湿打不了球。

(2) 1)投掷 (过程) (act or process of throwing sth) [C]: That was a long~. 那一下掷得很远。My~missed the wastebasket by a mile. 我这一扔离废纸篓差老远了。2) (板球的)投球方式 ((in cricket) manner in which the ball is bowled) [C]: a full~全程投球(即投出的球在到达击球手之前未落地); 3)(棒球)投球(方式) ((in baseball) act or manner of throwing the ball) [C]: the screwball and other facny~es 旋转球和其他奇特的投球方法;On the next~, the batter struck out. 在接下来的投球中,击球手三击不中而出局。

(3) 1)(嗓音或音符的)高低,音高 (degree of highness or lowness of a voice or musical note) [U]: the~of a voice 声音的高度;(sb's voice) have a very high~(某人的嗓音)很高;have absolute/perfect~绝对/完全具有分辨出某个音符或发出某个音的能力;〖同〗tone,sound; 2) (音乐)音质 (quality of a sound in music) [U];

(4)程(强)度,水平 (relative degree or level of intensity of sth) [U a~]: be in/at a high~of excitement 处于极度的兴奋之中;be at the lowest~of one's (ill) fortune 处于不幸的极点;reach the lowest~of bad fortune 达到不幸的极点;The dispute/Excitement rose to (reached) a feverish~. 争论/激动上升到(达到)了白热化(无法自制)的程度。〖同〗level, degree, point;

(5)极点(the highest point of sth) [U][N (of)]: the~of perfection/success/heaven 完美的极点/成功的极点/天堂的顶点;His anger reached such a~that he hit her. 他怒不可遏把她给打了。〖同〗peak,summit,top;

(6)(船在水中时)颠簸 (up-and-down movement of a ship on the water) [U]: The~of the ship threw the passengers off balance. 船上下颠簸使乘客失去平衡。〖同〗 dip;

(7)(尤指屋顶的)倾斜度 (amount or degree of slope (esp of a roof)) [U]: The roof has a steep~. 屋顶的斜度很大。the~of a field 一块地的坡度;〖同〗slope,incline;

(8)(街上小贩的)售货摊;(街头艺人的)路边表演场 (part of a street where a street-seller usu does business or a street entertainer usu performs) [C](尤BrE): They have a regular~in the market. 他们在市场里有一个固定摊位。

(9)(商家、小贩)推销商品的宣传 (persuasive talk or arguments used by a salesman to try to sell things) [C] (=sales pitch): a very clever sales~非常聪明的推销宣传





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