(构词成分): ~ 草 [- cǎo] ❶ (不工整) hasty and careless; illegible
❷ (不仔细) sloppy; slovenly; ~ 倒 [- dǎo] (颓丧; 失意) be frustrated
另见 see also lǎo。
◆潦草笔迹 cramped handwriting — a scrawl; 潦草塞责 do one's work in a careless and neglectful manner; do a duty perfunctorily; make a show of doing one's duty; muddle through one's work; perform one's duty in a perfunctory manner; 潦倒不堪 have gone down in the world; in very poor circumstances; 潦倒而死 die a dog's death; die like a dog; 潦倒回乡 return to one's native land naked and poor; 潦倒困顿 in deep water; penniless and frustrated; down and out; 潦而不倒 down but not out