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单词 plate
plate/pleɪt/ n;vt [-d,-d / ɪd/; -eing / ɪ ŋ/]

n (1) 1)盘子 (shallow flat dish of china etc for holding food) [C] (常用于合成词): a dinner/meat/soup~菜/肉/汤盘;paper/plastic~s 纸/塑料盘;put the~s in the dishwasher 将盘子放入洗碗机;serve food on~s 用盘子供应食品; 2)一盘(之量) (amount of food that a plate will hold) [C] (= plateful): a~of strawberries/soup/stew 一盘草莓/汤/炖肉;finish your~吃光你盘中的东西;〖同〗portion, dish; 3)(教堂的)捐款(献)盘 (dish (usu of metal) used for collection of money in churches) [C]: put $10 in the~在捐款盘里放10美元;pass round the~传递捐款盘;

(2)(家庭或教堂用的)金银餐具(器皿) (articles made of usu gold or silver as used at meals or in services at church) [U]: a fine piece of~一件精致的金(银)器;The family~included a silver pitcher, candlesticks, and the usual knives, forks and spoons. 家庭用的金银器皿包括一个银水罐、蜡烛台以及通常的刀、叉和勺。All the church~has been locked up. 教堂所有的金银器都已经锁起来了。

(3)镀了金或银的金属 (common metal that has been covered with a thin layer of silver or gold) [U] (常用于合成词中): electro~电镀物品;gold/silver~镀金/银物品;It's only~so it's not very valuable. 那只不过是镀的,所以不太值钱。

(4) 1)(金属或玻璃等的)薄板 (flat thin piece of metal glass etc) [C] (常用于合成词中): steel/iron~s 钢/铁板;~glass (做门、镜子或橱窗用的)平板玻璃;2)(动物身体表面保护性的)盾片或鳞片 (thin flat piece of bone or horn forming a protective surface to an animal's body) [C]: a protective shell of bony~s 骨质鳞片保护甲壳;

(5)板(页)岩 (any of the very large movable parts into which the earth's surface is divided) [C]:~tectonics 板块构造学;

(6)金属铭(招)牌 (flat piece of metal with words a design etc stamped or engraved on it) [C]: a licence-/number-~(汽车)牌照;He read her name on the polished brass~. 他在光亮的铜牌上看到了她的名字。

(7) 1)铜版,印(图)版 (sheet of metal etc treated so that words or pictures can be printed from its surface) [C]: P~s are used to print pictures. 用铜版印刷图画。2)(尤指与书分开印刷的)彩色照相插图 ((esp photographic) book illustration printed on different paper from the written part and often coloured) [C]: The book has ten full-colour~s. 这本书有10页全彩色插图。

(8)(照相用的玻璃)感光板,底片 ((in photography) thin sheet of esp glass having on one surface chemicals that are sensitive to light) [C U]: whole-/half-/quarter-~全张/对开/四开感光板;P~s are used in taking some photographs. 在拍某些照片时使用玻璃感光板。

(9)假牙托 (piece of plastic shaped to fit inside a person's mouth for holding artificial teeth) [C] (=dental plate, denture);

(10) 1)(赛马的)金质或银质奖杯 (cup of gold or silver as a prize for the winner of a horse race) [C]; 2)赛马 (horse race itself) [C];

(11)(棒球比赛击球方的)本垒 ((in baseball) home base of the batting side) [C];

hand/give sb sth on a plate 让某人轻而易举地得到某物,奉送 (infml): Because our team played badly, our opponents were given the first prize on a~. 由于我们球队打得不好,将第一名拱手奉送给了我们的对手。

on one's plate 有事做,忙着: have enough/a lot/too much on one's~有足够的/很多/太多的事要做;He's got a lot on his~. 他有很多事要做。

→′plate-rack n 餐具架;′plateful n 一盘(之量);

vt (1)(电)镀 (尤指镀金或银) (cover an object with a thin layer esp of gold or silver) [T+n T+n+prep(with) 尤pass]: a copper tray~ed with silver 镀银铜托盘;gold-/silver-~ed dishes 镀金/银盘子;

(2)(尤指给船)装金属板 (cover (esp a ship) with metal plates) [T+n]: wooden ships~ed with iron 船体包着铁皮的木船





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