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单词 strain
释义 strain2 /strem; stren/ vt, vi 1 [VP6A, 15A, 3A] stretch tightly by pulling (at): 拉紧; 扯紧; 张紧 ~ a rope to breaking-point; 把绳子拉紧到快断的地步; a dog ~ing at its lead. 一条使动拖拽皮带的狗。 2 [VP6A, 16A] make the greatest possible use of; exert one's powers: 尽置利用; 尽全力: ~ every nerve (to do sth), Ao one's utmost; 竭尽全力 (做某事); ~ one's eyes/ears/voice, look/listen/speak to the best of one's power. 全神贯注地看 (聚精会神地听; 声嘶力竭地说) 。 0 3 below. 参看下列第 3 义。 3 [VP6A] injure or weaken by ~ing (2): 因过分用力而损伤; 耗损; 耗弱: ~ a muscle; 因过分用力而使肌肉受损伤; ~ one's heart, injure it by over-exertion; 因过劳而损伤心厂; ~ one's eyes, by using them too much, or on small print, in poor light, etc; 耗损目力(因过度使用、看小字、光线不佳等); ~ one's voice, by speaking or singing too long or too loudly. 喋子变哑(因说话太多,或唱得太久或太大声等)。 4 [VP2A, 3A] ~ (at/on), make an intense effort: 努力; 奋力: The wrestlers ~ed and struggled. 捧角者奋力扭斗。 We ~ed at the oars. 我们用力划桨。 ~ after effects, make exaggerated efforts to get effects: 为求效果而矫揉造作:, There is no ~访 g after effects in this writer's work. 这位作家的作西不矫揉造作。 5 [VP6A] (fig) stretch the meaning of; force beyond a limit or what is right: (喻)曲解; 歪曲; 滥用: ~ the belief/credulity of one's listeners, ask too much of it; 过分利用厅众的信心(建信); ~ one's authority/rights, apply them in a way that is beyond what is allowable or reasonable; 滥用权威(权利); ~ the meaning of a word. 曲解一字的意轰。 6 [VP15A] (liter) hold tightly; squeeze: (文)紧握; 紧抱: She ~ed the boy to her bosom. 她把那男孩紧搂在怀中。 7 [VP6A, 15B] ~ (off/out), pass (liquid) through a cloth, or a network of fine wire, etc; separate solid matter in this way: 滤(某种疚体); 过滤: ~ the soup; 滤汤; ~ off the water from the vegetables. 滤去青菜中的水。 8 ~砒 sth, be too scrupulous or hesitant about accepting sth. 对某事过度顾虑或迟疑。 9 ~ed (pp) (esp of feelings and behaviour) forced; unnatural; as if forced: (尤指感情及行为)勉强的; 不自然的; 似出于被迫的: ~ed cordiality; 不自然的热诚; a ~ed laugh. 勉强的笑。 ~ed relations, marked by loss of patience, irritability, risk of quarrelling. (彼此间) 紧张的关系(彼此失去耐心,易怒,隐伏争吵危机等)。 ~er n sieve or other device by means of which solid matter is separated from liquid: 滤器; 滤网: a 'tea- ~er, for keeping back tea-leaves when tea is poured out from a teapot. 减茶具; 茶器。




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