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单词 street
释义 street (strict; strit/ n town or village road with houses on one side or both: 街; 街道: meet a friend in the ~, 在街上遇见一位朋友; cross the 穿越街道; a ' ~-map/-plan of York. 约克城的市街图 (计划) 。 Cf 参较 a road-map of Yorkshire. 约克郡的道路图。 '~car n (esp US) tram-car. (尤美) 电车; 街虱 ~ door n door which opens (usu directly) on to the ~ .(If there is a garden front doQr is preferred). 临街大门。(前有庭园时,以称 front door 为宜。) the man in the ~ ,typical citizen. 典型公民; 一般人。 not in the same ~ (as), not nearly so good (as). 难以和…相比; 不如…林样好。 ~s ahead of. (colloq) far ahead of. (俗)远在前面。 (right) up one's ~ ,(colloq) within one's area of knowledge, interests, etc. (俗)在自己的知识、兴趣等范围内。 go on the ~s, earn one's living by prostitution. 以卖淫为生; 当妓女。 '~-girl, '■~-walker n prostitute. 妓女; 阻街女郎。




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