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单词 play
play/pleɪ/ n & v

n (1)(尤指儿童)玩(耍),游戏 (activity done for pleasure or amusement esp by children) [U]: children/young lambs at~ 嬉戏玩耍的孩子们/小羊羔;spend the whole afternoon in~花整个下午的时间玩;the advantages of learning through~寓学于乐的各种优点;All work and no~can make you ill. 只工作不娱乐会使人生病。〖同〗amusement,recreation,entertainment, fun;〖反〗work;
 (2) 1)体育比(竞)赛 (activity of playing a game) [U]: The rain stopped~this morning.今天上午下雨,比赛未进行。That was pretty~. 那场比赛漂亮极了。2)比(竞)赛的表现或作风 (action or manner in a game) [C U]: We admired his fine/excellent~all last season. 在整个上一个赛季我们都被他精湛的球技所倾倒。a defensive/passing~(尤 AmE)防守/传球动作;a good~良好赛风;be penalized for rough~由于作风粗野而受罚;
 (3)戏(剧),剧本 (piece of writing to be performed by actors; drama) [C]: go to a~去看戏(剧);a radio/dance~广播/舞剧;act/take part in a~参加一个剧的表演;write a new~写一个新剧本;a fine edition of Shakespeare's~s 莎士比亚戏剧精装本;〖同〗drama,show;
 (4)活动的范围(余地) (freedom of movement within a space) [U]: give the rope/the line more~把绳子/渔线再放松一些;need more~on the rope 绳子还得再放松些;loosen one's jacket to give one's arms more~解开衣服让胳膊更自由地活动;a knot with too much~打得太松的结;allow full~to one's curiosity 让好奇心充分发展;give free~to one's fancy/one's emotions 让好奇心自由发展/任感情泛滥;〖同〗scope,margin,room;
 (5)活动;作用(action or operation) [U]: come into~开始行动;the~of forces 力的作用;be in full~正在充分发挥作用;
 (6)跳(闪,波)动 (light quick constantly changing movement) [U]: the~of sunlight on (upon) water/coloured lights across a stage 阳光在水面上闪烁/彩光在舞台上闪动;
 (7)赌博 (taking part in gambling) [U]: lose money at~在赌博中输钱;lose/win $1000 in one evening's~在一晚上的赌博中输/赢了1000美元;
 (8)(棋牌比赛)走一步棋或出一张牌,轮值 ((sb's) turn or move in cards chess etc) [U a~]: It's sb's~. 该某人出牌(走下一步棋)了。
 bring sth into play 使产生影响(发挥作用): He brought all his strength into~to move the rock. 他用尽全身力气去搬那块石头。
 come into play 开始产生影响(发挥作用): Who knows what forces come into~when these decisions are made? 谁知道这些决定作出后会产生什么影响?
 in play 开玩笑的,不是认真的: The remark was only made in~. 那话不过是开开玩笑。
 in/out of play (指足球,板球比赛中的球)位于/未位于比赛规则所允许的位置上;
 make a play for sb/sth 想尽办法获得某人(物): make a~for the prettiest girl in the college/the leadership of the party 想方设法引诱学院里最漂亮的女孩子/获得党的领导地位;
 a play on words 一语双关: The advertising slogan is a~on words. 那条广告语一语双关。
 →′playlet n 短剧;′play-act v 假装,做作,装腔作势;′play-acting n 演戏;做作;′playbill n 剧场节目单,演出海报;′playboy n 沉湎于作乐的富家子弟;花花公子;͵play-by-′play n (AmE)体育比赛的详细现场报道;′playfellow, ′playmate n (尤指儿童的)游戏伙伴;′playgoer n 戏迷,经常看戏的人;′playground n 操场;游乐场;度假地;′playgroup, ′playschool n 学前班;′playhouse n 剧场;(或′Wendy house) 供儿童在内游戏用的模型房屋;′play-pen n 供婴幼儿独自在内玩耍的便携式围栏;′play-room n 儿童游戏室;′plaything n 玩具;被别人当作玩偶的人;′playtime n 学校里的课外活动时间;playwright n 剧作家;
 v (1) 1)玩,游戏(do things for pleasure) [I I+prep (with), I+adv]: The children have gone out to~/are~ing (about) in the garden. 孩子们已经出去玩了/正在花园里游戏。~with a ball/a toy/a bicycle/sb 玩球/玩玩具/骑自行车玩/与某人玩;~indoors/for a long time 在室内玩/玩很长时间;〖同〗sport; 〖反〗work; 2) (尤指儿童)假装(扮) ((esp of children) amuse oneself by pretending to be or do sth) [I+prep(at) 无pass T+n pass T+ing]: Let's~(at) (being) doctors and patients/keeping shop/going to work by bus 让我们来假扮医生和病人/玩开商店/玩乘公共汽车上班吧。
 (2)开(某人的)玩笑 (carry out or do a trick on sb for amusement) [T+n T+n+prep(on), D+n+n pass]:~a joke/a prank/a trick (on sb) 开(某人的)玩笑/捉弄(某人)/(对某人)耍花招;He~ed me a nasty trick by taking all the money. 他对我恶作剧,把钱都拿走了。〖同〗fool;
 (3)参加(运动或比赛),同……比赛 (take part in a sport or game; compete against sb in a game) [I I+prep(with/against), T+n T+n+prep(with/against/at)]: She doesn't feel well enough to~. 她感觉不舒服,不能打比赛;~(darts) with/against one's friends 与朋友们比赛(飞镖);On Saturday England are~ing against France. 星期六英国要和法国比赛。~football/cricket/chess/cards 踢足球/打板球/下棋/打牌;The teams play each other on Sunday. 两队星期日比赛。~sb (at tennis/cards) 与某人比赛(网球)/打(牌);〖同〗contend,compete,challenge;
 (4)赌(博) (gamble at or on (sth)) [I T+n]:~for heavy stakes/for pennies/at roulette table 赌大钱/赌小钱/玩轮盘赌;~the casinos/the stock-market/one's last dollar 赌纸牌/投机股票市场/赌上自己最后的一元钱;〖同〗bet,gamble;
 (5) 1)(在球队中)打某个位置 (take a particular position job in a team game) [I+prep T+n]:~goal/in the midfield 守球门/打中场;~(as/at) centre-forward/first base/fullback/the main attacker 担任中锋/一垒手/后卫/主攻手;2)让……在球队打球 (include as a member of a team) [T+n T+n+prep(as), C+n+as]: They couldn't decide whether to~Jones or Smith in the cricket match. 他们不能决定是让琼斯还是让史密斯上场参加板球赛。~sb on the wing 让某人担任边锋;~sb as/at centre-forward 让某人担任中锋;Who shall we~as goalkeeper? 我们让谁担任守门员?
 (6)(以某种方式或朝某个方向)击(踢,投)(球等) (hit the ball etc in a specified manner or direction) [I I+prep I+adv T+n T+n+prep T+n+adv]: He~ed (at the ball) and missed. 他去击球但没有打着。~the ball just over the net 打一个低网球;~the ball with one's hands 用手击(接)球;
 (7)出(一张牌);走(一步棋) (place a playing card face upwards on the table in a game of cards or move a piece or figure on the board in chess) [I T+n]: Have you~ed? 你出牌了吗?~one's king of hearts/one's bishop 出了一张红桃K/走了一步象;~out of turn 不该出牌时出牌;
 (8)1)演奏乐器(曲) (perform on (a musical instrument perform (music)) [I I+prep(on), T+n D+n+n Dn+prep(for/to)]: He~s in an orchestra. 他在一个管弦乐队里演奏. a band~ing in the distance 正在远处演奏的乐队;~the guitar/the violin/the flute/the piano 弹吉他/拉小提琴/吹长笛/弹钢琴;~the trumpet well 小号吹得好;~a tune on a guitar 用吉他演奏一支曲子;Who is going to~For Elise? 谁来演奏《致爱丽丝》?~sb a piece by Beethoven/some Chopin/a march 为某人演奏贝多芬的一支曲子/几首肖邦的曲子/一支进行曲;~(a sonata) for/to an audience 为听众演奏(奏鸣曲);〖同〗perform, act; 2) (音乐,乐曲)演奏 ((of music) be performed) [I]: She could hear music~ing on the radio. 她可以听见收音机里在放音乐;3)(乐器)演奏 ((of a musical instrument) be performed) [I]: The piano~s better now. 钢琴现在好弹了。
 (9) 1)放(唱片,录音机等) (make (a record tape-recorder etc) produce sound) [T+n D+n+n Dn+prep(for/to)]: He~s his radio all day long. 他整天没完没了地放收音机。~sb a latest record 为某人放一张最新的唱片;~a jazz tape for/to sb 为某人放一盘爵士乐磁带; 2) (唱片,磁带等)播放 ((of a record tape etc) be made to produce sound) [I]: The radio/recorder/tape was~ing too loudly. 收音机/录音机/磁带声音放得太响。
 (10) 1)表(扮)演 (act (a particular part) in a drama etc) [T+n]:~Carmen/the lead in the school production of Hamlet 表演《卡门》/在学校排演的《哈姆雷特》中扮演主角;~(the part of) Othello/a scene 扮演奥赛罗(的角色)/演剧中的一场戏;get sb to~one's plays 让某人表演自己的戏剧;2)(戏剧)上演 ((of a drama) be performed) [I I+prep(to)]: What's~ing tonight? 今天晚上演什么?This scene doesn't~as well as it reads. 这一场戏演起来不如读起来精彩。The second act~s well. 第二幕演得好。a production of King Lear~ing to enthusiastic audiences 为热情的观众表演《李尔王》;
 (11)装作是,假装 (pretend to be) [L+adj L+n T+n pass]:~dead/sick 装死/病;~a great lady/a politician/a diplomat/a sympathetic friend/a wronged wife 装作贵夫人/政治家/外交家/富于同情心的朋友/受了冤枉的妻子;~the fool 做傻事;
 (12) 1)(不断轻快地)跳(闪)动 (move quickly lightly and continuously esp often changing directions) [I+prep]: sunlight/light wind~ing on/over the surface of the lake 在湖面上闪烁的阳光/吹过湖面的微风;The lightning~ed across the sky. 闪电划破长空。The searchlights~ed upon the road. 探照灯在路上照来照去。(a smile)~on/about sb's lips (fig) (笑容)泛上某人的嘴边;(sb's mind)~on the idea of going away for a holiday (fig) (某人的头脑)迅速地考虑外出度假的想法; 2)指向,(朝某一方向)瞄准(射击) (aim direct or fire esp in a specified direction) [T+n+prep]:~the torch beam over the walls 把电筒的光照在墙上;~a searchlight on the clouds/along the road 使探照灯光照射在云层上/沿着路照射;(firemen)~water/their hoses on the burning building (消防队员) 向着火的建筑物喷水/用水管喷水;3)(喷泉等)喷水 ((of fountains etc) be discharged repeatedly or continuously) [I]:There was a pond in the garden in which a fountain~ed. 花园里的池塘有一个喷泉在喷水。The water of the fountain~ed in the air. 喷泉的水喷向空中。
 (13)使(上钩的鱼)不停地扯动渔线而使其疲乏 (allow (a hooked fish) to become exhausted by pulling against a line) [T+n];
 what sb is playing at (通常用于表示恼火)某人在胡闹(胡摆弄)什么: What are you~ing at? Don't touch it; it isn't yours! 你在胡摆弄什么?别碰它,那不是你的!
 play about/around (with sb/sth) (v adv) 胡闹,玩(摆)弄 (vi): Now, now, stop~ing about and get the job finished. 好了,好了,别再胡闹了,把活儿干完。I warned you not to~around with married women. 我警告过你不要与有夫之妇胡混。~about with sb's expensive tools 乱摆弄某人的那些昂贵的工具;
 play along (with sb/sth) (v adv) 假装同意(某人或某人的意见) (infml)(vi): We'll~ing along with his suggestion, although it's not exactly what we wanted. 虽然他的建议并不完全符合我们的要求,我们还是要假装同意。
 play at (v prep)不认真做,做着玩儿(vt): The chairman should be dismissed; he's just~ing at running this department. 系主任应该解职,他管理这个系不过是敷衍了事。
 play back (to sb) (v adv) 放(录音等)(vt): It's always a shock when you first hear your own voice~ed back. 你第一次听到自己声音的录音时总是会很吃惊。When we've finished the recording we'll~it back to you. 我们录完音会放给你听。
 play down (v adv) 降(贬)低: The doctors thought it kind to~down the serious nature of her illness. 医生们认为把她病情说得轻点是好意。
 play in (v adv) 在某人进来时奏乐: The pianist~ed the happy pair in with the Wedding March. 钢琴师弹奏《婚礼进行曲》迎进一对幸福的新人。~oneself in 在比赛开始时稳扎稳打;
 play off (v adv) (平局后)再赛以决出胜负(vt): The two equal winners had to~off an additional game to decide the winner of the whole competition. 打成平手的双方还得再比赛一次以确定整个比赛的胜者。
 play sb off against sb 在甲乙之间挑拨离间(以从中得利): She~ed one friend off against the other. 她挑拨一对朋友之间的关系。
 play on 1) (v adv) 继续比赛 (vi): It was raining but we~ed on. 天下着雨,但我们继续比赛。2) (v prep) (为达到个人目的而)利用 (vt): He~ed on her kindness to get his clothes washed. 他利用她的好心来为他洗衣服。
 play out (v adv) 1)在某人离开时奏乐: The organist~ed the congregation out. 随着风琴师的琴声,做礼拜的人走了出去。2)进行,做:~out a battle 进行战斗;
 play up (v adv) 1)使恼火(vt): Children often~their mothers up, just for fun. 小孩子们常常惹妈妈生气,不过是为了好玩而已。2)大肆宣扬,渲染(vt):~up sb's past achievements/role in the affair 大肆宣扬某人过去的成就/在那件事情中的作用;
 play up to (v adv prep) 讨好,奉承,拍马屁(vt):~up to one's superiors 对上司溜须拍马;
 play with (v prep) 1) = play about/around (with sb/sth); 2)玩弄(某人或某人的感情):~with a woman's affections 玩弄女人的感情;3)有点想,随便想想: He's often~ing with the idea of emigrating to Australia, but that's as far as it's gone. 他一直考虑移居澳大利亚,但只是想想,仅此而已。
 →′playable adj (场地)适合比赛的;′play-back n 放音(像)装置;放音(像);played-′out adj 精疲力尽的;不再有用的;过时的;′player n 游戏者;选手;(尤指球类)运动员;演员;演奏者;唱机;′playful adj 爱玩耍的;顽皮的;′playfully adv爱玩耍地;顽皮地;′playfulness n爱玩耍;顽皮;′play-off n实力相当的运动队之间决定胜者的)比赛;





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