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单词 plastic
plastic/′plæstɪk/ n & adj

n (1) 1)塑料 (any kind of man-made substance that is shaped while soft and then goes hard used to make objects that need to be light waterproof non-rust etc) [C, 通常pl]: the~s industry 塑料工业;the use of~s in industry 塑料在工业中的应用;P~s don't rust like metal. 塑料不像金属那样会生锈。2)塑料(物质) (substance made in this way) [U]: a new type of~一种新型的塑料;be covered by sheets of~覆盖着塑料薄膜;be made (out) of~用塑料做的;use~instead of leather 用塑料代替皮革;

(2)塑料学(science of making plastics) [pl][接sing动词]: P~s is an important branch of chemistry. 塑料学是化学的一个重要分支。

(3)信用卡 (credit card(s)) [U] (= plastic money) (infml): Have you got any cash or shall we use~? 你有现金吗?要不我们用信用卡怎么样?

adj(1)用塑料制作的 (made of plastic): a~cup/toy/wrist-watch 塑料杯子/玩具/手表;Are these shoes~? 这双鞋是塑料的吗?~bomb (使用塑料炸药的)塑料炸弹;

(2)可(易)塑的 (easily made into different shapes): Clay, wax and plaster are~substances. 黏土、蜡和石膏是可塑物质。the~mind of a child (fig) 儿童可塑性的思维;〖同〗flexible,soft; 〖反〗hard,stiff,inflexible;

(3)造型艺术的 (of the art of modelling) [无comp]: the~arts 造型艺术;~surgeon/surgery 整形(容)手术师/外科手术;

→plas′ticity n 可塑性





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