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单词 than
than/ ð ǝn,ð æn/ conj & prep

conj (1)比(word used in comparison):be happier~sb (is) 比某人更高兴;look more surprised~other people (are) 看上去比别人更惊讶;look older~when I saw him last time 比我上次看到他的时候显得更老;be a better player~I (am) 是一个比我好的运动员;sing better~they (do)比他们唱得好;arrive earlier~one's friends (do)比朋友们到得早;drive more carefully~(he did) yesterday(他)比昨天开车更小心;be more lucky~clever 是幸运不是聪明; be more annoyed~worried 是生气不是担心;It is easier to do it yourself~(to) explain it to others. 这件事你自己做要比给其他人讲解容易。I can't do better~get away for a few days. 我最好还是离开几天。He had more in common with his second~with his eldest son. 他和二儿子的共同点比和大儿子的多。

(2)比(两项事物比,舍弃其一)(used to introduce the rejected alternative in statements of preference):would rather (sooner) dance~eat out 宁愿跳舞,也不愿出去吃饭;would rather play games~stay at home 宁愿做游戏也不愿意待在家里;

prep (1)比较(in relation to;by comparison with)(常接pron n):be happier/more surprised~other people 比其他人更高兴/更惊奇;look older/more anxious~her 比她看上去更老一些/更担心;be a better player/skier~me 比我更好的运动员/滑雪运动员;sing better/arrive earlier/drive more carefully~them (his friends) 比他们(他的朋友们)唱得好/来得早/开车更谨慎;do sb more harm~good 给某人的伤害多于好处;Sitting in the garden is nicer~staying indoors. 坐在花园里比坐在屋里好。Play-ing games is more amusing~staying in an office. 做游戏比待在办公室更有乐趣。The temperature is lower~25 degrees. 温度低于25℃。

(2)(多,不足)于……(with measures and standards)(常用在moreless后面):It costs (sb) more~100. 花了(某人) 100多美元。It takes (sb) less~an hour. 用了(某人)不到一小时。(she) be more/less~fourteen(她)超过/不足14岁;(it)be more/less~two miles to the station 到车站超过/不足两英里;drive at more~100 miles per hour 每小时行驶100英里以上;

more often than not 经常,常常:Nancy comes over on Saturday more often~not. 南希常常在周六过来玩。

no/none other than 不是别人而是:It was no/none other~my old friend Mary. 那不是别人而是我的老朋友玛丽。

nothing more or less than 没有别的,完全是:She succeeded in the end. It was nothing more or less~diligence. 最后她成功了。没有别的,完全是勤奋用功的结果。

【用法】than 后面的代词可用主格,也可用宾格。代词的格的不同,有时会引起歧义,如:I know you better than her. 可以理解为1)I know you better than I know her.(我对你比对她更了解。)2)I know you better than she knows you.(我对你比她对你了解得更多。)





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