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❶ (音译用字) a word used in transliterations: ~ 鲁 Peru
❷ (姓氏) a surname:~ 文 Bi Wen
另见 see also mì 。


(秘密的) secret; mysterious: 神 ~ mysterious; ~ 事 a secret Ⅱ (保守秘密) keep sth. secret; hold sth. back: ~ 而不宣 keep sth. secret; not let anyone into a secret Ⅲ (使馆秘书) secretary: 一 ~ First Secretary Ⅳ (私下; 暗地) secretly: ~ 传 secretly handed down
另见 see also bì。
◆秘本 treasured private copy of a rare book; 秘而不宣 keep secret; hush sth. up; keep sth. under one's hat; keep sth. dark; keep sth. under cover [under wraps]; keep the news (of sth.) from getting out; not to let anyone into a secret; unsaid; 秘方 secret recipe; secret prescription; 秘诀 secret (of success); magic code; 秘密 secret; clandestine; confidential; 秘密投票 secret ballot; 秘史secret history (as of a feudal dynasty);inside story; 秘书 secretary






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