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单词 though
though/ ð ǝu, AmE ðoʊ/ conj & adv

conj (1)虽然,尽管(despite the fact that):T~it was hard work,he enjoyed it. 虽然工作辛苦,但他干得挺快活。T~he tried very hard,he failed the course. 虽然他非常努力,但这门课仍没有及格。T~it was very late,the child wouldn't go to sleep. 尽管天已经很晚了,但这个小孩就是不睡觉。T~our chances of winning are pretty slim,I think we should play the game. 尽管我们赢的希望很渺茫,但我认为我们应该打这场比赛。She went out,~it was raining. 尽管正下着雨,但她还是出去了。He still argues,~he knows he's wrong. 虽然他知道自己错了,但他仍然在吵。The paper,~well conceived,was badly written. 这篇论文尽管构思很好,但写得太糟。Poor though she is,she's always cheerful. 她尽管穷,却总是很快活。

(2)可是,然而,不过(but at the same time;but nevertheless):She is small,~strong. 她个子很小,不过很强壮。He knows he's wrong,~he still argues. 他知道自己错了,可是他还在吵。

as though 好像:It seems as~the place is deserted. 看上去这块地方好像被遗忘了。He closed his eyes as~to shut out his unpleasant memories. 他闭上眼睛,好像要把一切不愉快的记忆都忘掉似的。

adv 然而,不过,可是(howevernevertheless):It was hard work. He enjoyed it~. 工作虽然苦,但他干得很快活。It's raining. I didn't get wet~,because I had my big umbrella. 下雨了,但我没淋湿,因为我带着我的大伞。I'm out of town often;I'll be here at Christmas,~. 我经常不在城里,但圣诞节期间我会在的。

【注意】不能把副词though 放在句首。

【辨异】though although的区别见ALTHOUGH。





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