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单词 terror
terror/′terǝ(r)/ n

(1) 1)惊慌(恐)(very great fear)[U]:be in~of one's life/an avalanche 为自己的生命担惊受怕/非常害怕会发生雪崩;strike~into sb 使某人心惊胆战;scream with (in)~惊恐万状地尖叫;run away/look at sb in~惊慌地逃走/看着某人;The rumble of the volcano caused~among the natives. 火山爆发的隆隆声引起当地人的恐慌。trembling with~吓得发抖;be filled with~充满恐惧感;Death holds no~for me. 死亡并不令我感到害怕。 2)令人惊骇的事(sth which makes one very afraid)[C]:have a~of heights/spiders/fire 对登高/蜘蛛/大火感到害怕;the~s of the night/the criminal/the haunted house/the gangs of outlaws/the war 黑夜/罪犯/闹鬼的房子/成群的歹徒/战争带来的恐惧;〖同〗fear,horror,dread,fright,panic;〖反〗security,comfort,calm,quiet;

(2)引起恐怖的人或物(cause of intense fear)[C]:The hooligan was a~to the entire town. 那个流氓令全城感到恐惧。Mr John was a~to his pupils. 约翰先生令他的学生们感到恐惧。Napoleon was a~to all the people of Europe. 拿破仑令欧洲所有人都感到恐惧。to be a~to evildoers/those who work for him 是一个令坏人/下属害怕的人;

(3)令人惧怕或讨厌的人或物(a trouble-somenastyunpleasant person or thing)[C](infml):My aunt/That puppy/Your son is a bit of a (a real)~. 我婶婶/那只小狗/你儿子有点(真让人)讨厌。a holy~淘气的孩子;可怕的家伙;

→′terrorism n 恐怖主义(行为);′terrorist n 恐怖主义者(分子);′terrorize,-ise v 使恐怖(吓);′terror-stricken adj 受了惊吓的;͵terrori′zation n 恐怖;






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