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单词 pleasure
pleasure/′pleʒ ə(r)/ n

(1) 1)愉快,快乐,高兴,满足 (state or feeling of being happy or satisfied resulting from an experience that one likes) [U]: get~from doing sth 从做某事中得到快乐;He showed no sign of~at seeing her. 他看见她一点都不显得高兴。The gift gave the child a great deal of~. 礼物使那孩子非常高兴。It gives me great~to see the children enjoying themselves. 看到孩子们玩得非常开心我很满足。Has he gone to London on business or for~? 他去伦敦是出差还是游玩?〖同〗enjoyment,happiness,joy,delight; 〖反〗unhappiness,sorrow,sadness; 2)乐(趣)事,高兴(满意,愉快)的事,乐趣 (a source of enjoyment satisfaction or delight) [C]: Reading is his only~. 阅读是他的唯一乐趣。the~s of living in big cities/friendship 生活在大城市/友谊的种种乐趣;It's been a~to meet you. 见到你很高兴。“Thank you for your help!” “It's a~.” “谢谢你的帮助!”“不客气。”

(2)(肉体)享乐 (enjoyment of the body food comfort etc) [U]: His life is given up to/in the pursuit of~. 他沉溺于享乐。life of~享乐生活;〖同〗amusement,fun,entertainment;

(3)愿望,意愿 (wish; desire) [U](fml): at one's~按照自己的意愿;What's your~, coffee or tea? 要点什么,咖啡还是茶?await sb's~听候某人的意思;Is it your~to go now/that I cancel the meeting ? 你现在要走吗/你要我取消会议吗?〖同〗desire,wish,preference;

have the pleasure of (doing) sth (用于礼貌的请求或邀请) 有幸做某事: May I have the~of your company at dinner/dancing with you? 我能荣幸地请您一起吃饭吗/和您跳舞吗?

take (no/great) pleasure in (doing) sth (不/很)喜欢(做)某事: I take no~in such things. 我对这类事不感兴趣。

with pleasure (用于客气的答语) 行,没问题,可以: “May I borrow your car?” “Yes, with~.” “可以借你的车用吗?”“行,没问题。”

←please v;

→′pleaurable adj 令人愉快(舒适)的;′pleaurably adv令人愉快(舒适)地;′pleasure-boat n 游船;′pleasure-craft n 游船;′pleasure-ground n 游(娱乐)场;






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