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单词 plant
plant/plɑ:nt, AmE plænt/ n;v [-ed,-ed/ ɪd/]

n (1)植物;(尤指小于乔木及灌木的)花草,苗木 (anything growing from the ground having a stema root and leaves esp the kind smaller than trees and shrubs)[C]: P~s need water and light. 植物需要水和阳光。Are these~s potatoes or beans? 这些植物是马铃薯还是豆子?flowering/nonflowering~s 有/无花植物;garden~s 庭院植物;a strawberry/a tomato~一株草莓/西红柿苗;~s flowering in the window-box 在窗台花箱里开花的植物;the~life of the area 该地区的植物;~kingdom 植物界;

(2)(工业或制造过程使用的)设备(piece of machinery for industry or manufacturing process) [U]: engineering/power~工程/发电设备;make a huge investment in new~大量投资于新设备;

(3)工(发电)厂 (factory; place where power is generated) [C](尤AmE): a power/chemical/nuclear reprocessing/steel~发电/化工/核燃料回收/炼钢厂;an automobile/aircraft~ 汽车/飞机制造厂;The firm has three~s in Britain. 该公司在英国有三家工厂。The workers at the~belong to the union. 这个工厂的工人是工会会员。〖同〗factory,works,mill;

(4) 1)假(伪)证,栽赃物 (false or misleading evidence; something illegal placed in a person's possession without his knowledge esp to get him into trouble) [C](infml): She claimed that the stolen bike found in her house was a~. 她声称在她住所发现的失窃的自行车是栽赃。2)(卧底于犯罪团伙以获取对其不利证据的)线人,眼线 (person who joins a gang of criminals to get evidence against them) [C] (infml): a police~警方的眼线;

v (1) 1)栽种 (put sth into the ground so that it will grow) [I T+n T+n+prep]:~in rows 栽成行;~vegetables/seeds in the garden 在园中栽种蔬菜/播种;~flowers/trees around the pool 围着池塘种花/栽树;2)种上(植物) (supply a place with certain plants) [T+n T+n+prep(with)]:~a garden 在花园里种植;~an area with grass/a hillside with trees/a field with corn在一个地区种草/山坡上种树/田里种玉米;

(2) 1)牢牢地安放 (fix or place sth firmly or forcefully) [T+n+prep]: Columbus~ed the flag of Spain in the ground. 哥伦布将西班牙国旗插在地上。~one's feet firmly on the ground 牢牢站稳;stand with one's feet~ed wide apart 叉开双腿站稳;2)使(自己)处于(某个位置) (position oneself) [T+n+prep] (infml): He~ed himself in front of the fire/in a chair/between her and the door. 他站在火堆前/坐在椅子里/站在她和门之间。

(3) 1)栽赃 (put (sth usu illegal or related to a crime) in sb's possession esp as false evidence) [T+n T+n+prep(on)] (infml): I didn't steal these jewels; they've been~ed on me. 这些珠宝不是我偷的,是给我栽的赃。2)安插眼线 (put sb secretly in a group esp to spy on its members) [T+n T+n+prep(in)] (infml):~a spy in a gang 在犯罪团伙中安插坐探;His supporters were~ed in the audience/crowd and applauded loudly. 他的支持者们混在听众/人群中给他大声叫好。

(4)灌输(培养)(观念,信仰等);播撒……的种子 (put or establish an idea belief etc in sb's mind) [T+n+prep(in)] (fig):~the seeds of hatred in sb's heart/doubt in sb's mind/an idea in sb's head 在某人心中播撒仇恨的种子/在某人的头脑中留下疑点/向某人灌输一种观念;A good teacher~s the love of learning in students. 好的老师培养学生热爱学习。〖同〗establish;

(5)故意打(踢) (deliver (a blow kick etc) deliberately) [T+n+prep]:~a kick on the door 在门上踢了一脚;~a kiss on sb's cheek/blow on sb's head/knife in sb's back 在某人的面颊上亲了一下/头上打了一下/背上捅了一刀;

plant out (v adv) 移栽(vt):~out tomato seedlings in the garden, leaving plenty of space between them 将西红柿苗移栽到园子里,苗与苗之间留出足够的空间;

→′planter n 种植者,种植园主;播种(种植)器;(尤AmE)花盆; plantation n 种植园;人造林planting n 种植





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