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单词 pity
pity/′pɪti/ n [-yies / ɪz/]; vt [-yies / ɪz/; -yied, -yied / ɪd/]

n (1)同情,怜悯 (feeling of sadness or sympathy for the difficulties sufferings etc of sb) [U]: be full of/filled with~for sb 非常同情某人;feel/have/show no/very little/a great~for sb 对某人不/几乎不/非常同情;arouse sb's~唤起某人的同情;They were moved to~by his suffering. 他的苦难使他们动了恻隐之心。in~of sb同情某人;out of~出于同情;〖同〗sympathy,compassion,mercy,kindliness; 〖反〗indifference,disinterest,cruelty,harshness,mercilessness;

(2)令人遗憾的事,可悲的事(thing that is a cause of mild regret or sorrow) [U a~][N+that]: It's/What a~(that) she can't come. 太遗憾了她不能来。The~(of it)is that... 令人遗憾的是…… I think it a~to waste it. 我认为浪费它是可悲的。〖同〗regret, shame;

have pity on sb 怜悯(可怜)某人: have~on the old man 怜悯那个老人;

more's the pity 真不幸(infml): I didn't succeed, more's the~. 我没成功,真不幸。

take pity on sb 由于同情而帮助某人: We took~on them and gave them food. 我们同情他们就给他们东西吃。

vt (1)同情,怜悯 (feel pity for sb) [T+n]: I~all of them. 我同情他们所有的人。He~ied her in her unhappiness. 他同情她的不幸。Anyone having that disease is (much) to be~ied. 谁要是生了那种病都(很)值得同情。

(2)觉得(某人)可鄙 (feel contempt for (sb)) [T+n]: I~you if you can't answer such a simple question! 如果你连这么简单的问题都回答不出来,也太可怜了!I~you if you can't pay me the money by Friday. 你星期五前不把钱还给我,我就不客气了。

→′piteous adj 值得同情(怜悯)的;′pitiable adj 可怜的;又可鄙的;′pitiful adj 令人同情(怜悯)的;可鄙的;′pitifully adv 令人同情(怜悯)地;可鄙地;′pitifulness n怜悯,同情,可鄙;′pitiless adj 没有同情(怜悯)心的;无情的;′pitilessly adv没有同情(怜悯)心地;无情地;′pitilessness n 无情;′pitying adj 怜悯(同情)的;′pityingly adv 怜悯(同情)地





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