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单词 pit
pit1/pɪt/ n;vtpit, pit; -tt-]

n (1)大(深)坑 (relatively deep hole in the ground either natural or man-made) [C]: dig a~挖一个坑;The~s were stacked with ammunition. 坑里堆着军火。〖同〗hole, hollow;

(2) 1)矿坑 (deep hole from which minerals are dug out) [C] (尤用于合成词): a coal-~煤矿井;a sand-~采砂坑;a gravel-~采砾场;a clay-~黏土坑;~pony 从前在矿井下运矿石的矮种马;2)(为工业目的而掘的)坑 (hole in the ground dug for different industrial purposes) [C]: a saw/tan~锯木/鞣革坑;

(3)煤矿 (coal-mine) [C]: work at/down the~在煤矿/井下工作;go down the~下矿井干活;

(4)动植物表面的凹陷处(natural hollow in the surface of a plant or an animal's body) [C]: the ache in the~of his stomach 他的心口痛;

(5) 1)(尤指出天花留下的)斑痕,麻子 (small hollow mark or place left on the body esp after smallpox) [C]: small~s on the skin left after certain illnesses 生过某些疾病后皮肤表面留下的小麻子; 2)(尤指金属或玻璃表面的)小凹陷 (small hollow mark or place in the surface of sth esp of metal or glass) [C]: scratches and~s on the enamel 搪瓷制品上的划痕和小坑;

(6)戏院中正厅后座(的观众) ((people sitting in) the back part of the ground floor of a theatre) [C, 通常sing the~] (BrE): watch the play from the~在正厅后座看戏;

(7)(剧场舞台前面的)乐池(area in front of a stage in a theatre for the orchestra) [C sing] (=orchestra pit);

(8) 1)(汽车修理厂地里的)检修坑(hole in the floor of a garage where mechanics can work underneath automobiles) [C]: 2) (在汽车比赛中)供汽车检修和加油的检修站 ((in motor racing) place beside a motor race track for repairing and refuelling racing cars) [pl]: The leading car has gone into the~s for a wheel change. 领先的赛车已经进入了检修站换车轮。

(9)(商品交易所中的)交易场 (part of the floor of a commodity exchange where arrangements are made for buying and selling a particular commodity) [C sing the~] (尤用于合成词)(AmE): the wheat-/corn-~小麦/玉米交易场;

(10)(《圣经》或修辞用语)深渊,地狱 (hell) [C sing the~]: the~地狱;

(11)捕兽陷井 (a hole dug in the ground and covered over used as a trap for wild animals) [C];

be the pits 极差,非常糟糕 (尤AmE)(infml): This music/The book is the~s! 这音乐/这本书太糟糕了!

→′pitfall n 意外的困难和危险;′pithead n 煤矿井入口;′pit-prop n用于支撑矿井巷道顶的临时支柱;

vt使有疤痕(麻子,凹点) (mark sth with hollow scars or holes) [T+n T+n+prep(with) 尤pass]: (acid)~the surface of the silver (酸)将银的表面腐蚀得凹凸不平;a landscape~ted with holes 坑坑洼洼的地形;a face~ted with scars/smallpox 有疤痕/麻子的脸;The surface of the moon is~ted with craters. 月球表面遍布着陨石坑。

pit sb/sth against sb/sth 使竞争(较量):~a champion against an unknown 使冠军与一个无名之辈较量;~one's brains/wits against sb 与某人斗智;





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