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单词 band
释义 band /baend; baend/ n 1 flat, thin strip of material, esp for fastening things together or for placing round an object to strengthen it: 带; 箍: iron ~s round a barrel; 箍于桶外之 MM: papers kept together with a rubber ~. 用橡皮圈束在一起之文件。 '~-saw n (eng) machine-driven saw consisting of an endless steel belt. (工程) 带锯 (机器推动的锯, 由一条钢环带所组成) 。 2 flat, thin strip of material forming part of an article of clothing: (构成衣服一部份之) 篇平的薄条带: Some shirts have a 'neck ~ and two lwnst ~s. 有些衬衫有一个领子和两个袖口。 3 strip or line, different from the rest in colour or design, on sth: (颜色或图案与其余部份不同之) 条纹; 条饰: a white plate with a blue ~ round the edge. 若一道蓝边的白盘。 4 group of persons doing r sth together under a leader and with a common purpose: 一队; 一组; 一伙; 一帮: a ~ of robbers/ fugitives/revellers. 一伙强盗 (逃亡者,宴乐者) 。 5 group of persons who play music together, eg of wind-instrument performers (often 常作 brass ~) :乐队; 军乐队; 管乐队: the .Regimental 'B~; 团部军乐队; a 'dance ~; 舞踏之伴奏乐队; a 'jazz ~; 爵士乐队; a 'steel ~. 钢铁油桶乐队 (千里达等加勒比海国家特有之乐队,以截成各种高度之油桶为打乐器) 。 '~master /'baendma: sta (r); 'baend,maes询/ n conductor of a ~. 乐队馆挥。 ~s man /-man; -msn/ n (pl -men) member of a ~. 乐队队员。 '~ .stand /'baendstaend; 'baend/Staend/ n raised platform usu roofed, for a ~ playing in the open air. (通常有顶之) 露天音乐演奏台。 '~-wagon n wagon carrying the ~ heading a march or procession (esp of a political party). (为游行队伍开道的) 乐队车 (尤指属于政党之游行队伍者) 。 climb/ jump on/aboard the ~ wagon, join in what seems likely to be a successful enterprise. 加入大有成功希望之事业。 6 (radio; short for 'wave - ~) range of frequencies that may be tuned in together: (无线电; wave-band 之略) 频带; 波段: the 19-metre ~. 十九公尺之频带。 vt, vi 1 [VP6A] put a ~, strip or line on. 加带或条纹于…之上; 用带绑扎。 2 [VP15B, 14, 2C] ~ together/with. unite in a group: 结伙; 结队; 结合: ~ people together, 把人们结合起来; ~ with others to do sth. 伙同他人做某事。 They ~ed together to protest. 他们联合抗议。




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