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单词 bend
bend/bend/ v bent, bent /bent/]; n

v (1) (使)弯曲((cauce to) become curved or angled) [T+nT+n+adv I I+adv I+prep]:~an iron bar/a stick/a branch折弯铁棍/棍子/树枝;~a wire up/down/back/forwards/over把一根金属丝折向上/向下/向后/向前/弯过去;~a wire straight/into a circle把一根金属丝扳直/弯成圈;Green wood will~easily.不干的木料容易弯。The road (river)~s to the right/westward/down.道路(河)向右/向西/向下拐。The willows bent in the breeze.柳枝在微风中飘拂。〖同〗twist, curve, wind;〖反〗straighten,stiffen;

(2) (使)弯身(曲) ((cause to) incline the body or part of the body (in a specified direction)) [T+n T+n+prep T+n+adv I I+prep I+adv]:~one's head over a book/in worship/in prayer低头看书/膜拜/祈祷;~one's face down to the fire脸凑近火;~one's knees/one's arm/one's elbow曲膝/臂/肘;~one's back躬背;~oneself double大弯腰;~with age/over a book/down to pick sth up/forwards to listen to sb/over to tie one's shoes 由于年龄大而驼背/俯身看书/弯腰捡东西/欠身听某人说/躬身系鞋带;~back向后仰;~at the knee 曲膝;〖同〗flex,stoop,bow;〖反〗straighten,stiffen;

(3) 改变……的方向 ((cause to) take a new direction) [I T+n+prep T+n+adv]:Light doesn't~around you as it passes by.光线不会绕你而行。~one's steps towards home/one's eyes on sb拐弯朝家走/把目光转而投向某人;~a lively glance at sb活泼地瞥某人一眼;The lenses of a telescope~the rays of light. 望远镜的镜头使光线折射。

(4) 专心于 (direct (one's efforts) to) [T+n+prep]:~one's mind to the job/the work/one's studies专心干活/工作/学习;

(5) 篡改,曲解 (change or interpret sth to suit oneself or the circumstances) [T+n]:~the rules to suit oneself曲意解释规则以对自己有利;~the facts to fit a conclusion篡改事实以适应一结论;

bend to (迫使某人)屈从(服)于……:~(sb) to a person's will/wishes/desires (使某人)屈从于他人的意志/意愿/愿望;

be bent on (doing) sth —心想做某事:be bent on pleasure/mischief/an early start/making sb happy/winning 一心想要享乐/恶作剧/早动身/使某人幸福/取胜;

bend one's mind to 专心致力于:~one's mind to one's study/one's job专心学习/工作;

n (1) 弯曲 (act or action of bending or the state of being bent) [U];

(2) 弯(曲处)(turn curve or angle of a road river piece of metal etc)[C]:a slight/gentle/sharp/wide/sudden~in a road (a river)道路(河流)小小的/缓缓的/急促的/宽阔的/突然的拐弯处;(river/road) be full of~s (河/路)弯弯曲曲的;at the~in sth 在……的拐弯处;drive round a~in the road开车驰过弯路;steer round a~in the river驾船驰过河湾;The car crush happened at the~in the road.撞车发生在路的拐弯处。see a ship coming round the river~看见一条船从河湾处开出来;〖同〗curve,turn,twist;

(be/go/drive sb) round the bend (已经/变得/使某人)发疯:His behaviour really drives me round the~. 他的行为真令我发疯。

→′bendy adj 多弯的;易弯的;






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