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单词 beggar
beggar/′beɡə(r)/ n v [-ing /rɪ ŋ/]

n (1) 乞丐,赤贫者 (person who begs as a means of living; very poor person) [C]:A street~held out his hand asking for a coin.一个沿街乞讨的乞丐伸手讨硬币。The~asked for money for food. 那乞丐讨钱买吃的。Bs can't be choosers. (prov) 饥不择食。

(2) 家伙 (person; fellow) [C] (infml):You lucky/careless/dirty/silly/cheerful little~. 你这幸运/粗心大意/脏兮兮/愚蠢/乐天的小家伙! Cheeky~! 恬不知耻的家伙! Poor~! He has lost everything. 可怜的家伙!他失去了一切。

←beg v;

→′beggary n 赤贫;′beggarly adj 赤贫的;吝啬的;

v 使贫穷 (make very poor; ruin)[T+n]:Your reckless spending will~your father. 你这么挥霍会把你父亲花穷的。be~ed by the collapse of one's firm/trying to pay for one's children's education 公司的倒闭/付孩子们的学费使之一贫如洗;

beggar (all) description 无法形容:The valley was so beautiful/His essay was so bad as to~(all) description.山谷美得/他的论文差得无法形容。Her beauty~s description.她的美貌无法形容。





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