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单词 below
below/bɪ′lə ʊ, AmE -′loʊ/ prep & adv

prep (1) 在(到)……下面 (at or to a lower level position or place than):The dead sea is~the sea level.死海在海平面以下。 The harbour is~the second bridge.海港位于第二座桥的下游。The clouds are~the mountain top.云飘在山顶下。The sun sank~the horizon. 太阳落在了地平线下。Her skirt reached~her knees. 她的裙子长过膝盖。Miners work~the surface of the earth.矿工在地表以下工作。a mile~the village/the surface of the sea 村子下方/海面以下一英里;~the line/the name/the waterfall/the window在线/名字/瀑布/窗户下;The noise came from~stairs.嘈杂声从地下室传上来。〖同〗under,beneath,underneath;〖反〗above;

(2) 在……以下,低(少,小)于…… (lower than in rank number degree rate age etc):His work is~average/his usual standard.他的工作低于平均水准/他平常的水平。A captain ranks/is~a major. 上尉比少校小。~sb in intelligence/rank 比某人智力差/军衔低;temperature~zero/freezing 零度/冰点以下的温度;~forty/£10/the age of 18/the average income/pre-war prices在40/10英镑/18岁/平均收入/战前价格以下;〖同〗under,beneath;〖反〗above;

adv (1) 在(到)下面 (at or to a lower level position or place):lie/stay~躺/呆在下面;sign~在下面签字;dive/crawl~向下潜/爬;The captain went~.船长下船舱去了。Miners work~.矿工在地下工作。read the paragraph/live in the apartment~读下面的段落/住在下面的套房;look at the sea/the valley/the plains/the village~看下面的大海/山谷/平原/村庄;sail to that city and a few places~乘船去那个城市及其下游的几个地方;hear sth/call sb/come up from~听见下面传来的声音/从下面呼唤某人/从下面上来;be down~在下面(楼层或船舱);here~在尘世上;〖同〗underneath;〖反〗 above;

(2) 在其下,低(少,小)于 (at or to a lower rank number degree rate age etc):The meeting is for captains and~.这个会议是为上尉及上尉以下人员召开的。children aged 12 and~12岁及12岁以下的儿童;temperature of zero and~零度及零度以下的温度;〖反〗above;

【辨异】 belowunderbeneathunderneath都可用作prep和adv,都可表示位置“在(……)下面”。below表示低于另一物,其反义词为above;under表示“垂直在下”,其反义词为over;beneath用于正式语体,与below意义相近,但有相近或相接触的含义;underneath则有完全遮盖的意思。





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