释义 |
quothvb. pa.t. said,spoke说(用于第一人称和第三人称过去式)。 △H.V.2.3.18 (17):“‘How now,Sir John?’quoth I,‘what,man?be o’ good cheer,’”“怎么样,约翰爵士?”我说,“嗨,你呀,可要提起精神来。” △R.III.4.1.71:“‘Be thou,’ quoth I,‘accursed / For making me,soyoung,so old a widow!’” i.e. so young,yet destinedto live as long as a widow. 我说:“你该受诅咒,因为你害得我这样年轻就守寡,坐待红颜老去。” △Rom.1.3.33:“Shake,quoth the dove-house.”i.e.Shake,said thedove-house. (A picturesque way of saying the dove-house shook.)鸽棚说摇晃就摇晃起来了。(按:奶姆这时想起十一年前大地震时鸽棚摇晃的情景。) △ Rom.1.3.47:“‘Wilt thou not,Jule?’ quoth he,”“你会不会,朱丽?”他说。 △Rom.2.4. 126 (117):“‘for himself to mar,’quoth ’a(= said he)?”“由他自己毁掉”,他是这么说的吗? ~ vb. pa.t. quoth ’a: said he他说。 △ 2H.IV.5.3.16:“Ah,sir-rah,quoth ’a,we shall / Do nothing but eat andmake good cheer,”啊,他说了,我们要:什么也不干,只是吃喝玩乐。 |