Ⅰ ❶ (表示不止一个) every;all;each:世界 ~ 国 all the countries in the world;~ 位来宾 all the guests;every guest;
我们两国的关系在 ~ 方面都有了显著的发展。 The relations between our two countries have improved markedly in every aspect.
❷ (表示不止一个并且彼此不同) different;various:~ 种原材料 various raw materials;~类产品 different kinds of products Ⅱ (表示不止一人或一物同做某事或同有某种属性): ~ 有优点,也 ~ 有缺点。 Each has both advantages and disadvantages. 两侧 ~ 有一门。 There is a door on either side.
另见 see also ɡě。
◆各安职守 stay at their posts;Each minds his own business.;
各霸一方 Each one lorded it over a district.;
各半 half and half;fifty-fifty;
各奔前程 Each pursues his onward journey.;Each goes his own way.;Each pursues his own course.;Everyone is anxious to get ahead.;
各别 distinct;separate;different;[方] peculiar;out of the ordinary;odd:eccentric;funny;
各别责任 several liability;
各不相犯 We'll neither of us interfere with the other.;each keeping within his sphere;
各不相关 Each looks after himself.;independent;
各不相谋 Each works his own way.;
各不相让 Each refused to give in to the other.;
各不相同 differ from one another;be diverse from each other;have nothing in common with each other;unequal;variant;
各逞其能 Each one displays that in which he excels.;Each one shows his special prowess.;
各持己见 Each sticks to his own view.;
各处 everywhere;
各打五十大板 put the blame on the two parties equally;blame both sides without discrimination;punish the innocent and the guilty alike;
各得其所 play their proper role;Each gets his due.;each in his own place;Each one is in his proper place.;Every man is in his humor.;Everyone enjoys his place.;Everyone has fallen into his right place.;Everyone is provided for.;Everyone should be properly placed.;have a place for everyone [everything];各个 each;every;various;one by one;separately;
各个击破 crush one by one;destroy (the enemy forces) one by one;
各...各... each ... his own ...;
各归各家 Each goes to his own home.;
各国货币失调 misalignments of currencies;
各国生活水平比较 international comparison of levels of living;
各行各业 the various walks of life;all professions and trades;all trades and professions;different [all] walks of life;every industry or trade;every profession and trade;
各怀鬼胎 each with his own axe to grind;
各级 all or different levels;
各界 all walks of life;all circles;
各尽其用 Each answers the purpose intended.;
各尽其责 Each one does his duty.;
各尽所能,各取所得 work according to one's ability and receive pay according to one's labour;
各尽所能,按劳分配 from each according to his ability;to each according to his work;
各尽所能,按需分配 from each according to his ability;to each according to his needs;
各就各位 {军} Man your posts!;{体} On your marks!;各科教学法 special methods course;
各立门户,各自为政 set up its own organ and act on its own will;
各门另户 each having an independent family;
各派政治力量 various political forces;
各期间价值变化 period-to-period value changes;
各取所需 Each takes what he needs.;
各人 each one;everyone;
各人各心 Several men,several minds.;Many men,many minds.;
各人自扫门前雪 clear away the snow only in front of one's door;Let every man skin his own skunk.;
各人自扫门前雪,莫管他人瓦上霜 clear away the snow in front of one's own door and not to worry about the snow in front of one's neighbour's door — departmental selfishness;A still tongue keeps a wise head.;Each one sweeps the snow from his own doorsteps and does not bother about the frost on his neighbour's roof.;
各色 of all kinds;of every description;assorted;
各色甜面包 pandulce;
各社会集团 different sections of the population;
各式模具 diel;
各式各样 every kind of ...;all sorts of ...;all kinds of;in various ways;of every description;a variety of;
各事其主 each serving his own master;
各适其所 each to his taste;every hog to his trough;everyone after his own fashion;
各抒己见 Each airs his own views.;Each one expresses his own view.;Each says [has] his say.;Everybody gave his comments on ...;Everyone sets forth his own view.;They expressed their views fully.;
各司其职 Each performs its own functions.;
各诉旧情 They talked of old times.;
各随其便 Each did exactly as he liked.;
各位 everybody;every;
各显神通 each showing his special prowess [skill];each trying for all one is worth;
各显所长 Each one displays that in which he excels.;
各行其是 act as one pleases;act wilfully;Each acts (in) his own way.;Each does what he thinks is right.;simply go on one's own way;
各有千秋 Each has its own merits.;Each has its advantages [strong points].;Each has sth. to recommend him.;Each in his own way has made an important contribution.;
各有所长 Each one has his good points.;Each one has sth. in which he excels.;Everybody has his strong points.;Everyman has his merits.;
各有所好[爱] Everyone has his hobby.;Everyone has his own particular tastes.;Each has his likes and dislikes.;
各有一说 Each one has his own say [story to tell].;各展所长 Each gives full play to his strong point.;
各执一见[词] Each holds an opinion.;Each has his own opinion.;Each holds fast to his own views.;Each holds to his own statement.;Each sticks to his own version [argument].;各种各样 all kinds [sorts] of ...;different;several;various;
各种权利和免责 rights and immunities;
各种型式攻丝机 miscellaneous tapping machine;
各种型式轮船 miscellaneous tankers;
各种债权人 sundry creditors;
各自 each;by oneself;respective;
各自为战 fight the enemy separately;Each fights his own battle.;
各自为政 act of one's own free will;Each administers in his own way.;Everyone goes his own way.;lack of coordination;with everyone going his own way;work each for himself;
各走各道 go (their) different ways;Each goes his own way.;They go their serveral ways.
【口语】out of the ordinary (a term mostly used to describe one’s character or disposition)