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单词 grey
greyAmE gray/ɡreɪ/ adj [-er/-est]; n & v

adj (1) 1)灰(灰白)色的(of the colour like black mixed with white;having the clouds in the sky on a rainy day):a~suit/coat 灰色西装/大衣;~eyes/hair/clouds/walls 灰色的眼睛/头发/云/墙壁;Her dress is~. 她的连衣裙是灰色的。(sb's hair) go/turn~(某人的头发)变灰白了;have very few~hairs 没有几根灰白发;a~-haired driver 头发花白的司机;〖同〗 neutral,grayish,silver,silvery,ashy,pale; 2)花白头发的(having gray hairesp as one gets older)[通常作pred][无comp]:He has turned/has gone quite/is turning/is going~.他白发苍苍/他的头发已变白/他的头发在变白/他的头发在变白;She is already~. 她已经头发灰白了。

(2)昏(阴)暗的(cloudy):a~winter day/rainy afternoon 一个阴沉的冬日/阴雨的下午;a~sky 昏暗的天空;It's very~outside. 外边很昏暗。

(3)令人郁闷的;单调的(depressing;dull)(fig):Life is~.生活是单调无味的。 a~existence 单调的生活;

n(1)灰色(grey colour)[UC]:dark/medium/light/charcoal~ 深/中/浅/炭灰色;dull~s 各种单调的灰色;~area 灰色领域(指难以具体归类因而难以处理的问题);~matter(脑的)灰白质;智(脑)力;

(2)灰色衣服(clothes in grey colour)[U]:dress/be dressed in~穿/穿着灰色衣服;

v(使)变灰((cause sth to) become grey)[IT+n]:He is~ing a bit now. 他的头发现在有点白了。His hair is~ing quickly. 他的头发在飞快地变花白。Sorrow/Worry has~ed his head/hair. 痛苦/忧愁使他的头/头发变成花白。

→′greyish,′grayish adj 带灰白色的;′greybeard n 老年男子,老汉;grey-′headed adj 老的,有花白头发的





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