单词 | guide |
释义 | guide/ɡaɪd/ n;vt [-d,-d / ɪd/,-e\ing/ ɪ ŋ/] n (1)导游,向导(person who shows sb the way,esp one hired to guide travellers,tourists,hunters,etc)[C]:need/engage a~to show sb around the city 需要/雇一个向导带某人游览这个城市;a tour~导游;〖反〗follower; (2)指南(导)(sth that can be used to help sb plan his actions)[C]:take sb's experience as a~以某人的经验为借鉴;As a rough~,one cubic foot stores 25 lb frozen food.给你一个粗略的依据:一立方英尺可储存25磅冷冻食品。 (3)作为指导的人(物)(sb or sth which influences a person's decisions,behaviour,etc or that leads a person to some opinions)[C]:one's~自己的顾问;Feelings/Instinct are/is not always a good~to behaviour.依据感情/本能行事并不总是对的。(whim/prejudice) be a poor~(幻想/偏见)导致不妥的决定; (4) 1)(旅行,游览)指南(book which contains information for tourists,about a place)[C][N (to)](或guidebook): a~to London/medieval literature 伦敦旅行/中世纪文学指南; 2)入门书,手册(instruction book)[C][N (to)]:a~to Poultry Keeping/better living/French Wines 家禽饲养指南/更美好的生活指南/法国酒类手册;a parent's~to children's diseases 有关儿童疾病的父母手册;a practical~to healthy living 健康生活实用手册;a gardening/sewing-machine~园艺/缝纫机手册; (5)女童子军(Girl Guide)[C](通常大写):My daughter is in the G~s. 我女儿加入了女童子军。 →′guide-dog n 导盲犬;′guide-line n 方针,准则; vt(1)引(指)导(show sb the way to,across a place,how to do sth)[T+n,T+n+prep(to),T+n+adv]:~sb to his seat 把某人领到座位上;~sb through a street领某人穿过街道;~sb's fingers on the piano keys/sb's hand as sb writes 把着某人的手指在钢琴键上教弹琴/把着手教写字;〖同〗 lead;〖反〗misguide,mislead; (2)操纵,支配(control the movement of a person,thing)[T+n]:(pilot)~the plane to a safe landing/onto the runway(飞行员)操纵飞机安全着陆/开上机场跑道;~a country through the war/the difficulties (fig)领导国家度过战乱/克服困难~the business to success 指引企业走向成功; (3)指导,影响(direct sb,influence strongly)[T+n]:be~d by sb's opinion/sb's feelings受到某人的意见/感情的影响;be~d by sb's sense of what is right受到某人是非感的影响;(truth/comments)~sb(真理/评论)影响某人; →′guided adj 有导游人员陪伴的; 【辨异】guide与conduct、direct2和 lead2 的区别见CONDUCT。 |
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