单词 | grip |
释义 | grip/ɡrɪp/ v [-pp-]; n v (1)握(抓)紧(grasp,or seize firmly;hold fast)[I,T+n]:(car's tyres) fail to~on the wet road(汽车轮胎)在湿路上刹不住;~a man's arm/stick 抓住一个男人的胳膊/一根棍子;~the rifle between one's knees把步枪紧紧夹在双膝之间;~the railing to pull oneself up 紧抓住栏杆爬上去;〖同〗grab,snatch; (2)吸引(attract the attention of sb;hold the interest,imagination of sb)[T+n,尤 pass](fig):The play~ped the entire audience.这个剧吸引了全体观众。~sb's imagination/sb's attention/sb's interest 引起某人的想象/注意/兴趣;~ped by/with fear/panic 为恐惧所惊呆;The audience was~ped by the performance.观众被演出所吸引。〖同〗 hold,attract; n(1) 1)紧握(抓)(firm tight hold with one's hand(s) and or arm(s),legs or of a tool)[C,通常sing][N (on)]:have a very strong~牢牢抓住;take a~on a rope 抓紧一根绳子;lose one's~on the slope 在斜坡上失去了控制;let go/release one's~on a handbag/thief 松开手里拿的手包/抓住的小偷;tighten one's~on the handrail 抓住扶手;have/get a good~on the dog's collar 抓住狗的颈圈;hold sb in a very tight~把某人紧紧抱在怀里;hold a hammer securely in one's~把锤子牢牢地握在手中;relax one's~松开手;keep a firm~on one's country's foreign policy (fig)始终牢牢掌握着国家的对外政策;〖同〗 grasp; 2)握力(法)(power of gripping;special way of holding)[U,a~]:a feeble~很弱的握力;a~like iron/a vice/a bulldog死死抓住/像老虎钳一样夹住/像大狗一样咬住不放;use a different~使用一种不同的握法;The tyres gave (a) good~on the road.轮胎紧咬住地面; 3)掌握,控制(power;very close control)[U,a~](fig):be in the~of sadness/disease/despair 极度悲伤/病魔缠身/十分绝望;take (keep) a firm~on French grammer/one's children 牢牢掌握法语语法/管住自己的孩子;keep/get a~on oneself 约束自己;get into the~of moneylenders 受到一群放债者的控制;keep a firmer~over expenditure 更严格地控制支出;The ship was in the~of the storm.船受到暴风雨的袭击。 (2)把手(handle)[C]:a leather/metal/wooden (hand-)~皮/金属/木(手)柄; (3)夹子,发夹(apparatus which grips hair)[C]:a hair~发夹; (4)手提(旅行)包(bag,suitcase)[C](AmE):a large/leather~一个大/皮手提包;two~s 两个旅行包; come/get to grips with sb/sth 1)扭打起来:get to~s with each other/the enemy相互/与敌人扭打起来;The two came to~s.那两个扭打起来。2)开始努力对付,着手解决(fig):get to~s with a situation/the financial problems 着手尽力应付局势/解决财政困难; →′gripping adj 激动人心的,引人注意的,扣人心弦的;′grippingly adv 激动人心地 |
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