单词 | guard |
释义 | guard/ɡɑ:d, AmE ɡɑ:rd/ n;vt [-ed,-ed/ ɪd/] n (1)守卫,警戒,看守(state of readiness or watchfulness to protect sb/sth against attack)[U]:be on~at the gate/round the tent 在大门口/帐篷周围警戒;keep~over the house 守在房子周围;be under close~处在严密的监视下;a~dog/duty 一只警犬/一项警戒的任务; (2)防御,准备(position of defence,eg in boxing, fencing)[U]:keep up/drop one's~保持/未做出防御姿势;get through/penetrate sb's~ (fig)突破/突破某人的防御; (3)卫(哨)兵,警卫(看守)员(person,esp a soldier,a policeman or a prison officer,who guards sb or sth)[C]:a security/museum~保安人员/博物馆看守员;camp/border~s营房哨兵/边防战士;slug a~猛击一名看守员;〖同〗 watchman; (4) 1)警卫队(group of people,esp soldiers,whose duty is to guard sb/sth)[Gp,the~]:see the changing of the~观看换岗;double the~加双岗;The~are on duty.警卫队在值勤。2)仪仗队(body of persons who form an escort or perform drill exhibitions on ceremonial occasions)[C,Gp]:an honour~检阅仪仗队; (5)皇家禁卫军,警卫部队(group of special soldiers,originally those who guarded the King or Queen,esp in Britain)[pl]:the Scots~s 苏格兰禁卫队;the Royal Horse G~s 皇家骑兵禁卫队;a G~s officer 禁卫军军官; (6)列车长(railway official in charge of a train)[C](BrE)(AmE conductor):The~of the train blew his whistle. 列车长鸣笛。 (7)防护器(物)(sth which serves to prevent injury or loss)[C](尤用于合成词):a mud-/fire-~挡泥板/防火罩;wear shin/face~s 带护胫/面罩;the~of a sword 击剑用的面罩;wear a helmet as a~against falling rocks 戴上头盔作为一种防护装置抵挡落下的石头; off/on one's guard 失去/保持戒备;be on one's~against pickpockets/saying the wrong thing 警惕扒手/提防说错话;put sb on sb's~ 使某人措手不及; stand guard (over sb/sth)站岗,警戒;(soldiers) stand~over the village (士兵们)在村边警戒;(bear mother)~over its injured cub (熊妈妈)在自己受伤的幼兽旁边警戒; →′guardhouse n卫兵室;′guardrail n 护拦;′guardroom n 卫兵室;禁闭室;′guardman n 禁卫队士兵; vt(1) 1)防(保)卫,保护(defend,keep safe,esp by watching for danger)[T+n]:~a bank/one's flock 保卫银行/羊群;~one's reputation/one's life (fig) 保护自己的名声/生命;~the house against strangers/an attack 守卫着房子警惕陌生人/进攻;(wall)~the place from thieves(墙)阻挡小偷光顾此地;(quinine)~sb from fever (奎宁)防止某人发烧;〖同〗 protect,shield; 2)看守(keep under close watch in order to prevent escape,misconduct,etc)[T+n]:~the prisoner closely/throughout the trial 严密/在整个审判过程中看守囚犯;~the secret with one's life 用自己的生命严守秘密; (2)管(控)制(keep under control)[T+n]:~one's temper/one's tongue carefully 小心地控制脾气/言语谨慎; guard against (v prep)预防,防止(vt):~against errors/infection/bad habits/passing on disease to one's family 防止犯错误/感染/养成坏习惯/把疾病传给家人; →′guarded adj(指言论)谨慎的;′guardedly adv 谨慎地; 【辨异】guard 与defend、protect和preserve的区别见DEFEND。 |
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