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单词 grant
grant/ɡrɑ:nt, AmE ɡrænt/ vt [-ed,-ed/ ɪd/]; n

vt (1)允(准)予;同意给予(agree to giveesp what is wanted or requested)[T+nD+n+n]:~a request/a wish/a demand 答应一项请求/满足愿望/满足要求;~sb permission to leave the country 准许某人离开这个国家; be~ed a holiday for the Queen's wedding 女王结婚那天获准放假; 〖反〗refuse,deny;

(2)正式或依法给予(give sthesp by a formal act or legally)[D+n+nD+n+prep(to)]: ~sb long term credits/extra holiday/a pension 给予某人长期信贷/额外的假期/养老金;~a dying industry government subsidies 给将要垮台的工业发放政府补贴;~civil rights/aid to all citizens 给予所有公民以人权/援助;

(3)承认(agree or admit (that sth is true))[T+nT+thatD+n+that ](fml):~sb's honesty/the truth of what sb says 承认某人诚实/说的话是真的;I~(you) that it was a stupid thing to do.我承认这样做很愚蠢。~sb the reasonableness of sb's argument 向某人承认某人论点的合理性;〖反〗refuse;

take ... for granted 1)视……为理所当然,认为……是必然的情况;对……熟视无睹:We took his cooperation/permission for~ed.我们把他的合作/许可视为理所当然。2)认为真实:I keep telling myself never to take anything for~ed. 我不断告诫自己不要认为一切都是真实的。

n 授给物,拨款(amount of money given by sbesp a government or organizationto (help)pay sth that sb needs to do)[C][N+to-infN (towards)]:a~to help sb study 一笔帮助某人学习的拨款;a~to a scholar to do research/a university to purchase computers 给一位学者搞科研/一所大学买计算机的拨款;make a~of land to the people 给予人民土地补贴;student~s 学生助学金;award sb a research~授予某人一笔科研津贴;get a~-in-aid from the government 得到政府的补助金;

【辨异】grandgive present3的区别见GIVE。





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