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单词 ground
ground/ɡraʊnd/ nv [-ed,-ed/ ɪd/]

n (1)地面(surface of the earth on which we walk)[Cthe~]:get off/lie on/sit on/hit/be back to/fall to the~离开地面/躺在地上/坐在地上/碰地/回到地面/摔倒在地上;set down one's bundle carefully on the~把包裹小心地放在地上;high~高地;at~level 在地平面上;~control(确保飞机安全飞行的)地面导航人员、系统或设施;
 (2) 1)土地(land)[U]:buy up/have some~购买/有一些土地;measure/prepare the~well 很好地测量/准备土地;the disputed~有争议的地区;a rocky piece of~一块多岩石的土地; 2)土壤(地)(soil;earth)[U]:solid/marshy/stony~坚硬的土地/沼泽地/多石地;The~is dry/frozen. 地干/冻上了。dig into/level the~挖/平整土地; above/below the~地面之上/之下(地上/下);
 (3) 1)场地;……场(piece of land used for a certain purpose)[C](尤用于合成词):a sports-/criket/parade-/recreation~运动/板球/演兵/娱乐场地;a play~运动场;picnic~s 野餐的场所;They had to call off the match as the~was too wet to play on. 他们不得不取消这场比赛,因为场地太湿打不了球。2)用于……的地(水)域 (area of land or sea given over to a purpose)[pl]:fishing/hunting/burial~s 渔场/狩猎场/墓地;
 (4)(附属于厂房、校舍等周围的)场地庭园(gardenslawnetcsurrounding and belonging to a buildingenclosed with wallshedges or fences)[pl]:college~s 学院的校园;show sb around the~s 带某人参观庭园;The mansion has extensive/pleasant/beautiful~s. 大厦有广阔/令人愉快/优美的庭园。
 (5)范围,领域(area of knowledgestudyor experience;base for argument) [U] (fig): cover so much new~in such a short lecture 在如此短的讲座中谈到这么多方面的新内容;(book) go over the same old~(书)谈到熟悉的老话题;(sb) be on dangerous/safe~(某人)处境很危险/安全;(sb) be on fairly familiar~(某人)处于十分熟悉的领域;(friendship) be on shaky~(友谊)处在不牢靠的状态;find oneself on unfamiliar~发现自己有不熟悉的境况;Politics is forbidden~.政治属于话题禁区。The lecture was familiar~to him.这个讲座对他是个熟悉的话题。
 (6)根据,理由,原因(cause or reason for believing or sayingdoing sth)[C,尤pl][N(for),N+to-inf]:have no~s for doing sth/complaining 没有理由做某事/抱怨;have no~s to arrest sb 没有理由逮捕某人;see no~s for complaint/action/anxiety 看不出有任何抱怨/采取行动/焦虑的理由;object to sb on personal~s 因个人原因反对某人retire on medical~因病退休;(sb) be excused on the~s of illness/ill health 某人因生病/身体欠佳被原谅;a~for divorce 离婚的理由;On what~do you say that? 你根据什么那么说?
 (7)背景,底子(background;the colour on which a pattern is placed)[C]:The plate is decorated with blue patterns on a yellow~. 这个盘子在黄底儿上装饰有蓝色图案。
 (8)海(底)(bottom of the sea)[U]:The oil ship touched~.油轮触到海底。
 (9)渣滓((solid material) in a liquid that sinks to the bottom and is thrown away)[pl]:Throw out the coffee~s. 把咖啡渣滓倒掉。
 break fresh/new ground 有创新,开辟新天地(工作):break new~with reading lesson/the experiments在阅读课文方面有创新/用新方法开始这些实验;
 cut the ground under sb's feet 使失败,拆台:Paul wanted to be captain but we cut the~under his feet by saying that Henry was the best player on the team. 保罗想当队长,但我们说亨利是队里最优秀的运动员而使保罗的想法落空。
 gain/make up ground (on sb/sth)取得进展:The new political party gained a lot of~in the local election. 这个新政党在当地的选举中取得了很大进展。help sb to gain~on his competitors 帮助某人赶上其竞争者;
 get off the ground 顺利地开始:get the campaign off the~将这次运动顺利推动起来;
 give/lose ground (to sb/sth)后退,失利;被赶上:The ruling party lost~to the other parties in the election. 在选举中执政党失利于其他党派。The television programme was rapidly losing~in the ratings. 这个电视节目在排行榜上的位置正在迅速下降。
 hold/keep/stand one's ground 坚持立场(意见),不让步(退却):Although many were killed,the soldiers held their~. 虽然许多人牺牲了,但士兵们仍然不退却。Although many people criticized his theories,he stood his~.(fig)尽管许多人都批评他的理论,他仍坚持自己的立场。
 run sb/sth into the ground 过分(度);使……耗尽(疲惫不堪):run oneself/drive the old truck into the~使自己筋疲力尽/把旧卡车用坏为止;
 shift/change one's ground改变立场(观点):keep shifting one's~不断改变自己的立场;
 to the ground(指毁坏,拆除等)全部,完全:The theatre was burned to the~.戏院被大火全部烧毁。
 →′groundless adj 无根据(理由)的;′groundlessly adv 无根据(理由)地;′ground-bait n 投到水底的鱼饵;′ground-nut n 花生;′ground-plan n 平面图;′ground-rent n 地租;′groundsheet n 铺在地面上的防水布;′groundsman n 场地管理员,看守员;′groundwork n 基础,根基;
 v (1)(使)搁浅(触海底)((cause a ship to)strike against the sea bottom)[II+prep (in/on),T+nT+n+prep (in/on)]:(boat)~in shallow water/on the beach(船)在浅水中/海滩上搁浅;(storm)~the ship on a sandbar(风暴)使船触到沙洲上;~one's ship in two metres of water 使船在两米深的水中搁浅;
 (2)使停飞;强迫停留在地面上(cause (a pilot of a planea plane) to stay on the ground and not fly)[T+n,尤pass]:(airraft) be~ed because of bad weather/mechanical defects(飞机)因恶劣天气/机械问题而停飞;(aircraft) be~ed by thick fog (飞机)因浓雾而停飞;(pilot) be~ed for misconduct/because of an eye injury(飞行员)因渎职/眼睛受伤而停止飞行;
 ground in (v prep)给……以良好的教育(基础训练)(vt 通常pass):~oneself/one's pupils thoroughly/well in mathematics 给自己/学生们在数学方面打下全面/良好的基础;The class was well~ed in Latin. 这个班在拉丁文方面接受了良好的训练。
 ground sth on sth 把……建立在……基础上(vt):~one's arguments on one's own experiences 根据自己的经验提出论点;
 →′grounding n 基础训练,基础;





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