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单词 guest
guest/ɡest/ nvi [-ed,-ed/ ɪd/]

n (1)宾(客)人(person who receives hospitality at another person's home)[C]:expect/have~s to/for dinner等/有客人吃晚饭;come to the concert as sb's~s 作为某人的客人来听音乐会;invite sb to be one's~邀请某人作客;a dinner/weekend/wedding~赴晚宴/周末/婚礼的客人;an uninvited~不速之客;the~of honour 贵宾;〖同〗visitor;〖反〗 host,hostess;

(2)房客(person who stays in a hotel)[C]:have accommodation for 400~s可住下400名旅客;a paying/hotel~房客;a~bedroom 客房;〖同〗 lodger;

(3)客串(特约)演员(person who is invited to perform in a show or at a ceremony)[C]:a special~一位特邀演员;make a~appearance on the chat/TV show在电视访谈/电视节目中作为特约演员露面;a~artist/comedian/conductor/singer 特约演员/喜剧演员/乐队指挥/歌手;

(4)特邀来宾,特约与会者(person specially invited to visit a placeesp in a conference)[C]:visit a state as~of the government 应政府邀请访问一国家;a~speaker 演讲嘉宾;

be my guest 请便:“May I use the telephone?” “Be my~!”“我可以用一下电话吗?”“请吧!”

→′guest-house n 宾馆;′guest-night n(俱乐部等社团)招待来宾的夜晚;来宾之夜;′guest-room n 客房;

vi 客串演出((in theatre and broadcasting or television) be a guest)[II+prep (on)](尤AmE):He is~ing on a television panel show. 他在电视公开演出中客串演出。

【辨异】guest visitor caller 均指与别人或在某地共同度过或逗留一段时间的人。visitor(来宾)经常指由于社交的需要,或由于商务、观光等原因逗留一段时间,如:a visitor at our neighbor's house,in San Francisco(在旧金山我们邻居家的来访者);caller(来访者)指短暂地,通常是正式来访的人,如:The caller merely left her card.(来访者只留下了她的名片就走了。) guest 指任何接受款待的人,该词已被延伸包括任何支付膳宿的人,如:a welcome guest (受欢迎的客人);a paying guest(寄宿客)。





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