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单词 green
green/ɡri:n/ adj [-er/-est]; n

adj (1)(草)绿色的(of the colour of growing grass;of the colour between yellow and blue):~peas/walls 绿色的豌豆/墙壁;~paper 绿皮书;~tea 绿茶;as~as grass 像草一样绿;paint a door~把门漆成绿色;Traffic lights turn~. 绿(交通)灯亮了。

(2)青绿的,绿油油的(covered with green grass or other plants):~fields/hills 绿色的田野/小山;~belt 城市周围的绿化地带;The country is very~. 农村一片绿油油的。

(3) 1)未成熟的,生(嫩)的((of fruitvegetableetc) not yet ripe or ready to eat):~fruit/bananas/persimmons/figs 未熟的水果/香蕉/柿子/无花果;The apples/tomatoes are too~to eat.苹果/西红柿太生不能吃。2)未干的((of wood) not yet dry enough for use):~wood/lumber 生材/原木; 3)(指烟叶)未经干燥处理的((of tobacco) not dried):~tobacco 未干燥的烟草;

(4)无经验的,易受骗的((of a person) not having very much experience or knowledge and so likely to do sth wrong or be cheated)(infml):a~apprentice/young novice/boy in business 一个没有经验的学徒/新手/业务上的生手;make men of~recruits使没有受过训练的新兵成为男子汉;be as~as sb 像某人一样易受骗;The boy is still~at his job/to believe that.这个男孩对他的工作仍然是生疏的/没有经验才相信那件事。〖同〗 inexperienced,untrained;〖反〗 experienced,skilled,trained;

(5)脸色发青的,苍白的((of a person's face)pale (as though) from sickness):The boat was rocking so violently that half the passengers turned~. 船摇晃得很厉害,有一半的乘客脸色惨白。

(6)(非常)妒忌的(be very jealous)[作pred]:Alice's girl friends were~with envy when they saw her new dress.艾丽斯的女友们看到她的新衣服十分嫉妒。

(7)(指个人或组织)关心保护环境和野生动(植)物的(of or being a group of political party that is concerned particularly with the effect of human activity on the natural world we live in)[通常作attrib]:~politics(主张保护环境的)绿色政治;the G~Party 主张环境保护的)绿党;~pound 绿色英镑;

give sb/get the green light 对……开绿灯;批准(获准)干某事:Mother gave us the~light to go on the camping trip. 母亲准许我们去野营旅行。

→′greenish adj 浅绿色的,略带绿色的;′greenback n 美钞;green′finch n 欧洲金翅;′greenfly n(绿色)蚜虫;′greengage n 青梅(李)子;greengrocer n 蔬菜水果商;′greenhouse n 温室;花房;′greenwood n 绿林;青郁的森林;

n(1)绿色(green colour)[UC]:the~trees/English countryside 树木/英国乡村的青葱;a picture in~s 用各种色调的绿色绘成的图画;a variety of~各种各样的绿色;

(2)绿衣(green clothes)[U]:be dressed in~穿绿色的衣服;

(3)1)青菜(leaves and stems of plantsas spinachlettucecabbageetc used for food)[pl]:eat~s 吃蔬菜;wash salad~s 洗做色拉的蔬菜;G~s are vegetables such as cabbages.青菜指蔬菜,如卷心菜。2)植物绿叶(fresh leaves or branches of treesshrubsetc used for decoration)[pl](AmE):Christmas~s 圣诞节装饰用的树枝;

(4)草地,绿地(flat area of grass on which games are played)[C]:dance on the village~在村中草地上跳舞;a drying-/bowling-~绿草覆盖的晒衣场/保龄球场;around the~在草地周围;

(5)高尔夫球场上球洞四周的草坪(one of usu eighteen flat areas of grass on a golf course each with a small hole in the center into which golfers try to hit a ball)[C]:a putting-~轻击区草坪;the 12th~第12号球穴区;The golfer hit the ball onto the~in one stroke. 高尔夫球手只一击便将球击到洞旁的草坪上。

(6)绿党党员(member of a green political party)[C,通常pl]:the success of the G~s in Germany 德国绿党党员的成功;

→′greenery n 诱人的绿叶





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