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单词 greet
greet/′ɡri:t/ vt [-ed,-ed/ ɪd/]

(1) 1)向……致敬(问候),迎接(meet and say words of welcome to sb;welcome sb in a certain way)[T+nT+n+prep (with)]:~the distinguished guests/35th anniversary of the founding of the school 向贵宾致敬/迎接该校成立35周年;~one's guests at the airport/doorway 在机场/大门口迎接客人;~a friend by saying “Good morning” 问候朋友“早上好”;~sb with a smile/loving kiss/loud applause/warmhearted enthusiasm 以微笑/亲吻/热烈的掌声/满腔的热情欢迎某人;~sb with a shower of stone 给某人当头一阵石头;〖反〗 ignore; 2)对(意见,建议等)作出某种反应(receive show what one feels about sth (an ideaa proposal) in a certain way)[T+n+prep (with),尤pass]:(proposal) be~ed with cheers(建议)受到欢迎;(news) be~ed with booing/shock/relief(消息)引来呸声/引起惊愕/使人们松了一口气;~a joke with loud laughter 听了一个笑话后大笑;

(2)呈现在眼前,入耳((of sth one seesetc)come to the attention of sb;be seenheardetc by sb)[T+n]:(a din/music)~one's ears(一阵喧哗声/音乐)进入耳朵里;A magnificent view of the sea/Smell of frying bacon/Cheers and embraces/Complete disorder~ed us.大海壮丽的景色映入我们的眼帘/煎咸猪肉的味扑鼻而来/迎接我们的是欢呼和拥抱/我们眼前呈现一片混乱。

→′greeting n 问候,致敬,祝贺,欢迎辞





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