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单词 制度管理

制度管理zhì dù ɡuǎn lǐAdministration

制度管理zhì dù ɡuǎn lǐAdministration

保留学籍[bǎo liú xué jí] retain one’s status as a student; keep one’s name on the books
笔试[bǐ shì] written test/examination
毕业典礼[bì yè diǎn lǐ] graduation (ceremony); commencement
毕业分配[bì yè fēn pèi] job assignment on graduation
毕业鉴定[bì yè jiàn dìnɡ] graduation appraisal
毕业考[bì yè kǎo] graduation examination
毕业论文[bì yè lùn wén] thesis; dissertation
毕业设计[bì yè shè jì] graduation project
毕业实习[bì yè shí xí] graduation field work
毕业证书[bì yè zhènɡ shū] diploma; graduation certificate
表扬[biǎo yánɡ] praise; commend
表扬好人好事[biǎo yánɡ hǎo rén hǎo shì] praise good people and good deeds
表扬信[biǎo yánɡ xìn] commendatory letter
病假[bìnɡ jià] sick leave
补考[bǔ kǎo] make-up examination/[USA] test
补课[bǔ kè] make up a missed lesson; make up for missed classes
补习[bǔ xí] supplementary education
不及格[bù jí ɡé] failure; fail
测验[cè yàn] quiz
插班[chā bān] transfer into the school
成绩单[chénɡ jì dān] school report; report card
迟到[chí dào] late for class
抽考[chōu kǎo] spot test; test given to a group of randomly chosen students
初试[chū shì] initial examination/test
出考题[chū kǎo tí] set an examination paper; compose an examination
处分[chǔ fèn] punish; take disciplinary action against
春假[chūn jià] spring vacation
辍学[chuò xué] quit school; discontinue schooling; drop out
大学联考[dà xué lián kǎo] college and university joint entrance examination
大学免试入学制[dà xué miǎn shì rù xué zhì] open admission; open enrollment
大学入学考试[dà xué rù xué kǎo shì] college entrance examination; college board examination
大学入学注册[dà xué rù xué zhù cè] matriculation
大学预科[dà xué yù kē] preparatory course
大学自治[dà xué zì zhì] campus autonomy
导师制[dǎo shī zhì][Britain] tutor system; tutorial system
登记簿[dēnɡ jì bù] register; registry
点名[diǎn mínɡ] roll call; call the roll
点名簿[diǎn mínɡ bù] roll-call book; checkroll; classbook
调班[tiáo bān] transfer into another class
放榜[fànɡ bǎnɡ] announcement of examination result; post the result of an examination
分级[fēn jí] class grouping
分流学制[fēn liú xué zhì] streaming
分数[fēn shù] mark; grade; score; point
分组制[fēn zǔ zhì] streaming
复试[fù shì] second examination/test; retrial
复学[fù xué] resume one’s interrupted studies; go back to school
高考[ɡāo kǎo] National Higher Examination(NHE)
给予警告处分[jǐ yǔ jǐnɡ ɡào chǔ fèn] give somebody a disciplinary warning
寒假[hán jià] winter vacation
伙食补助[huǒ shí bǔ zhù] food allowance
伙食费[huǒ shí fèi] money spent on meals; board expenses
及格[jí ɡé] passing; pass
寄宿[jì sù] accommodation
记过[jì ɡuò] record a demerit
家庭访问[jiā tínɡ fǎnɡ wèn] home visiting
假期[jià qī] holiday; vacation
监考[jiān kǎo] proctor; proctor an examination
检定教员[jiǎn dìnɡ jiào yuán] certified teacher
检定考试[jiǎn dìnɡ kǎo shì] qualification examination
鉴定[jiàn dìnɡ] appraisal(of a person’s strong and weak points); appraise; identify
奖励[jiǎnɡ lì] award; reward; prize
奖学金[jiǎnɡ xué jīn] scholarship
奖状[jiǎnɡ zhuànɡ] certificate of merit (award)
讲义[jiǎnɡ yì] lecture note; handout
讲座[jiǎnɡ zuò] course of lectures; lecture course/class
交白卷[jiāo bái juàn] turn in a blank paper
交卷[jiāo juàn] hand in the test paper
阶段考[jiē duàn kǎo] sectional examination
节约用电[jié yuē yònɡ diàn] save/economize on electricity
节约用水[jié yuē yònɡ shuǐ] save/economize on water
禁闭[jìn bì] confinement; punishment
军训[jūn xùn] military training
开除[kāi chú] be expelled from school
开卷考试[kāi juàn kǎo shì] open-book examination
开学典礼[kāi xué diǎn lǐ] inauguration/opening ceremony
考勤[kǎo qín] attendance record
考试[kǎo shì] examination; exam; test; quiz
考试失败[kǎo shì shī bài] fail an examination
考试制度[kǎo shì zhì dù] examination system
考题[kǎo tí] examination questions; examination paper
口试[kǒu shì] oral test/examination
扣分[kòu fēn] deduction
旷课[kuànɡ kè] cut school; skip class, play truant
勒令退学[lè lìnɡ tuì xué] forced dismissal
联考[lián kǎo] joint entrance
良[liánɡ] good; B; 4
留级[liú jí] repeat the year’s work; stay down
留学考试[liú xué kǎo shì] examination for studying abroad
免试[miǎn shì] exemption from examination; be excused from an examination
批评[pī pínɡ] criticism; criticize
平均分数[pínɡ jūn fēn shù] average mark
评语[pínɡ yǔ] comment; remark
普考[pǔ kǎo] National Ordinary Examination(NOE)
期考[qī kǎo] term examination
期末考试[qī mò kǎo shì] end-or-term/final examination
期中考试[qī zhōnɡ kǎo shì] mid-term exam/examination
请假[qǐnɡ jià] ask for leave
取消学籍[qǔ xiāo xué jí] be struck off the school roll
缺课[quē kè] miss a class
入学标准[rù xué biāo zhǔn] entrance requirements/standards
入学考试[rù xué kǎo shì] entrance examination
入学年龄[rù xué nián línɡ] admission/school age
入学资格[rù xué zī ɡé] admission qualification/matriculation
三学期制[sān xué qī zhì] trimester system
上课[shànɡ kè] go to/attend class
上课时间[shànɡ kè shí jiān] time for class
社会调查[shè huì diào chá] social investigation/survey
社交文化[shè jiāo wén huà] social culture
升留级制度[shēnɡ liú jí zhì dù] system of promoting or holding back students
升旗典礼[shēnɡ qí diǎn lǐ] flag-raising ceremony
升学[shēnɡ xué] go to a school of a higher grade; enter a higher school
升学率[shēnɡ xué lǜ] proportion of students entering schools of a higher grade
书费[shū fèi] money spent on books
暑假[shǔ jià] summer vacation
特考[tè kǎo] special examination
跳级[tiào jí] skip a grade
统一入学考试[tǒnɡ yī rù xué kǎo shì] entrance examination
退学[tuì xué] leave school; discontinue one’s schooling
未录取[wèi lù qǔ] flunk
下课[xià kè] get out of/dismiss class
夏令营[xià lìnɡ yínɡ] summer camp
小考[xiǎo kǎo] quiz
校风[xiào fēnɡ] prevailing morals of a school
校规[xiào ɡuī] school regulations
校训[xiào xùn] school motto
校友返校会[xiào yǒu fǎn xiào huì] homecoming
新生训练[xīn shēnɡ xùn liàn] orientation
心理测验[xīn lǐ cè yàn] psychological test
休假年[xiū jià nián] sabbatical leave/year
休学[xiū xué] suspend one’s schooling without losing one’s status as a student;(for a student) an approved temporary suspension of schooling
学费[xué fèi] tuition (fee); school expenses
学分[xué fēn] credit (point)
学分制[xué fēn zhì] credit system
学籍[xué jí] one’s status as a student
学历[xué lì] record of formal schooling
学力测验[xué lì cè yàn] achievement test
学年[xué nián] school/academic year
学年考试[xué nián kǎo shì] year-end examination
学期[xué qī] (school) term; semester
学生证[xué shēnɡ zhènɡ] student’s identity card
学时[xué shí] class hour; period
学习成绩[xué xí chénɡ jì] academic/school record; academic achievement
学习年限[xué xí nián xiàn] period of schooling
学校被认定合格[xué xiào bèi rèn dìnɡ hé ɡé] accredited
学校纪律[xué xiào jì lǜ] school discipline
学制[xué zhì] educational/school system
义务劳动[yì wù láo dònɡ] voluntary labour
因病退学[yīn bìnɡ tuì xué] leave school owing to bad health
优[yōu] excellent; A; 5
优异[yōu yì] honors; outstanding; excellent; perfect
月考[yuè kǎo] monthly examination
运动会[yùn dònɡ huì] athletic meeting/meet; sports meet
杂费[zá fèi] sundry/miscellaneous expense
招生广告[zhāo shēnɡ ɡuǎnɡ ɡào] advertisement for pupils
中[zhōnɡ] pass; C; 3
专门技术人员考试[zhuān mén jì shù rén yuán kǎo shì] examination for professionals and technicians
转学[zhuǎn xué] transfer to another school
准假[zhǔn jià] approve a leave of absence
准考证[zhǔn kǎo zhènɡ] admission card for entrance examination
准予立案[zhǔn yǔ lì àn] accredit
准予注册[zhǔn yǔ zhù cè] permit to register
自习[zì xí] study by oneself in scheduled time or free time; individual study
自习时间[zì xí shí jiān] time for individual study
作息时间表[zuò xī shí jiān biǎo] daily schedule; timetable





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