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单词 spell
spell1/spel/ vspeltspelt/spelt/or (尤 BrE) -ed,-ed/d/]

(1)拼字(写)(name or give in order the letters of (a word))[IT+nT+n+prepC+n+n]:learn to~学习拼写;~the word “necessary”wrongly 把“necessary”这个词拼错了;The word is spelt with a WR,not a R. 这个词里有字母WR而不是R。How do you~your name? 你的名字怎么拼写?My name is spelt M-A-R-Y. 我的名字拼写为M-A-R-Y。 You~his name J-A-C-K. 你拼读他的名字 J-A-C-K。

(2)拼作(成,缀)((of letters) form (a word in order))[T+n,无pass]:D-o-g~s dog.d-o-g 拼成dog 一词。The letters~the name of a colour. 这些字母拼起来是一种颜色的名称。

(3)意味着,招致(mean or amount to)[T+n]:Hesitation/The delay/Laziness~s ruin (disaster/failure) for him. 迟疑/耽搁/懒惰给他带来毁灭(灾难/失败)。〖同〗mean,indicate,suggest,represent,symbolise;

spell out (v adv) 1)拼出(字母)(vt):His handwriting was so bad that I had to~out what he had written with great difficulty. 他的书写很糟,我不得不费很大的劲才拼出他所写的东西。2)详细解释(说明)(vt):Please~out what you mean;I don't quite understand. 我不大明白,请把你的意思解释清楚。

→′speller n 拼单词者;′spelling n 拼写;拼写能力;拼字法;

【说明】spell 的规则和不规则变化的过去式和过去分词的用法参见DREAM。





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