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单词 speech
speech/spi:t⨜/ n [-es/ ɪz/]

(1)说(讲)话;说话能力(act of speaking;ability to speak)[U]:express oneself through~and writing 用语言和文字表达自己的思想;learn~学说话;express thoughts by~用语言表达思想;freedom of~言论自由;deprive sb of the power of~使某人失去说话的能力;have the faculty of~有语言能力;have a~impediment 讲话口吃;lose one's~失语;~organs/therapy 语言器官/言语治疗;〖同〗speaking,talking;conversation,dialogue;〖反〗muteness,dumbness,speechlessness,silence;

(2)说话的方式(法)(manner or way of speakingas of a person)[U]:do a study of children's~进行一项对儿童语言的研究;the indistinct/slurred~of a drunk 醉汉含糊不清的话;be disrespectful/sloppy in one's~讲话方式无礼貌/随便;His~showed that he was Southern. 他的口音说明他是南方人。〖同〗expression,pronunciation;

(3)演说(讲)词,发言((words of a) formal talk or addressespecially one prepared for delivery to an audience)[C][N (about)]:make a farewell~发表告别演说;make an after-dinner~ 发表餐后演说; a~on/about pollution 关于污染的演说;parliament~es 议会演说;deliver/give/make a~发表演讲;His~was published in a newspaper. 他的演讲在一家报纸上发表了。 〖同〗address,talk,lecture;

(4)演员的台词((usu long) lines in a play that are spoken by an actor)[C]:forget one of one's~es 忘了自己的一段台词;learn a long~in Act 1 记住第一幕中的一段长台词;

← speak v;

→′speechless adj 说不出话来的;难以用语言表达的;′speechlessly adv 无言地,难以言状地;′speechlessness n 无言,难以言状;′speech-day n 学校一年一度的庆祝日(会上进行授证书、颁奖、演讲)





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