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单词 spot
spot/spɒt, AmE spɑ:t/ n & v [-ed,-ed/ ɪd/;-tt-]

n (1)斑(小)点(smallround mark of a different colour from its surroundings)[C]:a blue tie with white~s 蓝底白点领带;the~s of a leopard 豹身上的斑点;The leopard cannot change his spots.(prov)本性难移。〖同〗mark,stain,dot,patch;

(2)污渍(点)(dirty small mark or stain)[C]:grease/blood~s 油/血渍;~s of mud on sb's jacket 某人外衣上的泥点;~s on the tablecloth 桌布上的斑点;a sticky~on the floor 地板上黏糊糊的地方;wipe a~of blue paint off the door handle 擦掉门扶手上的蓝漆点;clean off/remove an ink~from one's skirt 洗去/除掉自己裙子上的墨水渍;〖同〗stain;

(3)(皮肤上的)小红斑,丘疹(red mark on the skin caused by an illnessetc.)[C]:chicken pox~s 水痘;develop a~on one's chin 下巴上出了个红点;Jennie had measles and was covered in~s 珍妮出麻疹,全身满是小红点。be worried about the~s on one's nose 因鼻子上的红斑而烦恼;

(4)地方(点),场所(particular place or area)[C]:a charming~迷人的地方;that parking~那个停车场;a well-known beauty~风景胜地;a nice picnic/holiday~野餐/度假的好去处 the~where it happened 那件事发生的现场;a good~for watching the football match 观看足球比赛的好地方;find a~to talk undisturbed 找个不被人打扰的地方谈话;live in a quiet~far away from the town 居住在一个远离城镇的宁静地方;From this~you can see the ocean. 从这里你可以看见海洋。〖同〗place,location,point,site;

(5)滴,点(drop)[C]:a few~s of rain 几滴雨水;Big~s of rain blew against his face. 大滴的雨点打在他的脸上。

(6)少量(许)(small amount;a little bit)[Ua~][N (of)](BrE,infml):have a~of bother with sth……出了一点麻烦;have a~of lunch/sugar 吃点午饭/糖;have a~of brandy/tea 喝点白兰地/茶;do a~of work 做点儿工作;

(7)(电视,无线电广播或剧院演出当中)插播节目之处(place for regular performance(in a radioTVor theatreshow),esp a short one)[C]:have a five-minute guest~on Radio 4/a radio programme/a show 在无线电四台/一个广播节目中有五分钟特约佳宾节目档;have a regular cabaret~at a local night club 在当地一家夜总会有固定的歌舞节目档;

(8)性格缺陷(defect in a person's character)[C](fig):His record/character is without a~. 他历史清白/性格无暇。a man without a~on one's character/one's reputation 性格上毫无问题/声誉上没有污点的人;〖同〗defect,flaw,disgrace,stain;

(9)一定面值的钞票,某点的纸牌(banknote or playing-card of a specified value)[C](AmE,infml):give the waiter a five-~ 给侍者一张五元钞票;pass sb a ten-~递给某人一张10点的牌;

in a (tight) spot 在困(窘)境中:That puts me in a bit of a~. 那使我处境有点为难。

on the spot 1)立即,当场:He drew a revolver and shot his enemy on the~. 他拔出左轮枪当场把敌人打死。2)在现场:The police/ambulances were on the~within ten minutes. 10分钟内警察/救护车赶到现场。

put sb on the spot 把某人置于困境;迫使某人采取行动或证明自己正确:The interviewer's question really put the Prime Minister on the~. 采访者的问题确实使首相很尴尬。

→′spotless adj 非常干净的;(fig)无暇疵的;′spotlessly adv 清白无暇地;′spotlessness n 清白无暇;′spotty adj(人)长斑点的;

v(1)(从众多人或物中)认(看)出,发现(recognise or pick out (a person or thing from many;catch sight of))[T+nT+wh-infC+n+-ing C+n+prep(as)] [不用prog]:~one's luggage/a counterfeit note/a mistake/the difference/the winner of the beauty contest 认出自己的行李/发现一张假币/觉察出错误/找出差异/看出谁能在选美比赛中获胜;~a tall man/one's friend in the crowd 在人群中看到一个高个子的人/认出朋友;He soon~ted what to do.他很快就明白应该怎么办了。Jack was~ted leaving the department store soon afterwards. 不一会儿有人看到杰克离开了百货商店。I~ted him at once as an American. 我一眼就看出他是个美国人。〖同〗locate,see,recognise,discover,spy,detect;

(2)(使)变得有斑(污)点((cause to) become marked with coloured or dirty spot(s)) [IT+nT+n+prep (with)通常pass]:The material/dress~s easily.这布料/衣服容易弄脏。a~ted material/dog 一块带斑点的布料/一只带斑点的狗;Wine/The mud~ted the tablecloth (the rug). 酒/泥土弄脏了桌布(地毯)。His collar was~ted with ink. 他的衣领被墨水弄脏了。 The cloth was~ted with green. 这布带有绿色斑点。〖同〗stain,soil;

(3)下小雨(rain slightly)[II+prep (with)](与it连用)(BrE,infml):It's starting to~.开始下起小雨来了。It's~ting with rain again. 又下起小雨了。

→′spotted adj 有斑(污)点的;′spotter n 观(侦)察员





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