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单词 spread
spread/spred/ v spreadspread/spred/]; n

v (1)铺(展,伸)开(extendstretchor open out sth rolled or folded)[T+nT+n+prep(on/over),T+n+adv (out).T+n+adv (out)+prep (on/over)]:~a tablecloth/a sail 展开桌布/风帆;~a blanket under a tree 在树下铺开一条毯子;~a newspaper (a cloth) on the floor/the table/the grass/the bed 在地板/桌/草地/床上摊开报纸(布);The trees~their branches over the house. 树枝伸到了房上。(man/eagle)~(out) one's arms/it's wings(人/鹰)展开双臂/翼;~a map out on the floor 把地图在地板上摊开;〖同〗open,unfold,unroll,extend;〖反〗fold,wind;

(2)涂,抹,敷(apply in a thin layer or coating;be able to applied in this way)[IT+n+prep (on/with)]:The paint/butter/margarine~s easily. 这种漆/黄油/人造黄油很容易涂开。~glue/varnish on the wood 在木头上涂胶水/清漆;~butter on bread 在面包上涂黄油;~bread with jelly/jam 用果冻/果酱涂抹面包;〖同〗apply,coat,cover,cloak;

(3)(使)传播(流传),蔓延,传染:((cause to) reach a wider areaaffect a larger numberetc.)[II+prepT+nT+n+prep]:Word about the accident/The news of victory/The illness~quickly in the town. 有关事故的消息/胜利的消息/这疾病很快在城里传播(蔓延)开来。~inland 向内地传播;~from London to Oxford/from mouth to mouth 从伦敦传到牛津/口头传播开来;The news soon~through the village. 消息很快传遍全村。The water soon~over the floor. 水很快流了一地。~disease/news/information/alarm 传播疾病/新闻/消息/恐慌;~terror through the land 在那地区散布恐慌;~one's toys all over the room 把自己的玩具扔了一房间;〖同〗scatter,sprinkle,cast,distribute,extend;〖反〗collect,gather;

(4)伸(扩)展,延伸(extend over a considerable area or in size)[II+prep]:A wide stretch of land~in front of us.一片广阔的土地展现在我们面前。The desert~s for hundreds of miles as far as the coast. 这沙漠绵延数百英里直到海岸。The forest~s from here to the river. 森林从此地一直延伸到那条河。The farm~s (for) five miles to the woods. 这农场绵延五英里直到树林边。

(5)分散于一段时间之内(extend in time;scatterdistributeor divide sth over a period of time)[T+nT+n+prep (over)]:~the payments /a course /the work over two months (years/days) 用两个月(两年/两天)付款/学一门课/干那工作;

(6)摆好(桌子)准备开饭等(set or prepare(a table) as for a meal)[通常pass;T+nT+n+prep (with)]:The table was~with cakes and sandwiches for tea 桌上摆好了蛋糕和三明治准备吃茶点。A poor man's table is soon~.(prov) 穷人好客。

spread like wildfire 迅速蔓延(传开):The bad news~like wildfire. 这坏消息迅速传播开来。

spread oneself 1)占很多地方:If you~yourself on the seat like that,there'll be no room for anyone else. 如果你那样歪坐在那里,别人就没有地方了。2)高谈阔论:You'll get a chance to~yourself when it's your turn to speak.到你发言时,你就有机会大讲特讲了。

spread one's wings 扩大活动(兴趣):I'm sure school life will help you to~your wings. 我相信学校生活会有助于你扩展兴趣。

spread out (v adv)散开(vt & vi):They~(themselves) out when they entered the field and began to search the ground. 他们一进入场地就分散开来对地面进行搜查。

n (1)传播,流传,蔓延,扩展,延伸(expansion of extension)[U]:the~of information/knowledge/education/one's interests/nuclear weapons 信息的传播/知识的传播/教育的普及/兴趣的扩展/核武器的扩散;prevent the~of pneumonia 防止肺炎的蔓延;the~of a city 一个城市的扩展;〖同〗spreading,increase,expansion;〖反〗halting,check;

(2)范围,宽(广)度(range or scope;extent of space or time)[C,通常sing]:data having a wide~范围广泛的资料;the~of the prairies/a bird's wings 大草原的范围/鸟展翅的幅度;have a~of five feet/ten years有五英尺之宽/10年之久;a 100-acre~ 100英亩的一片地;a~of timber 木材的宽度;a wide~opinion广泛的意见;〖同〗stretch,reach,extent,span,scope,range;

(3)大篇幅的广告(文章)(articleadvertisementetc in a newspapermagazine that covers two or more pages)[C]:a two-page/double-page~横贯两版面的文章;have a big~in The Times 刊登在《泰晤士报》上的大幅广告文章;〖同〗notice,coverage,report,article,story,account;

(4)涂抹在食品上的酱等(soft food that can be spread on bread or crackers)[CU]:sandwich/chocolate~三明治/巧克力酱;a tube of cheese~一管干酪酱;

(5)筵(酒)席,一席菜((large) meal laid out on a table)[C](infml):organize/prepare a wonderful (huge )~组织/准备一桌美妙(丰盛)的酒席;have a fine~waiting for one's guests 备好一桌筵席等待客人到来;What a~! 多丰盛的一桌酒席呀!〖同〗feast;

→͵spread-′eagle v 伸展四肢





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