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单词 puzzle
释义 puzzle /'pazI; 'paz!/ n [C] 1 question or problem difficult to understand or answer. 难理解或回答之问题。 2 problem (eg a 'crossword - ~)or toy (eg a 'jigsaw ~)designed to test a person's knowledge, skill, patience or temper. 用以测験人之知识,技术,耐心或牌气而设计的问题(如纵横字谜)或玩具(如拼图板); 谜。 3 (sing only) state of bewilderment or perplexity: (仅用单数)味惑; 困惑: be in a ~ about sth. 对某事物深感迷雌不解。 vt, vi 1 [VP6A] cause (sb) to be perplexed; make hard thought necessary to (sb): 使(某人)困惑; 使苦思: This letter ~s me. 这封信使我困惑不解。 He was ~d what to do next/how to answer the letter. 他不知道下一步怎么办(如何回这封信)。 He ~d his brains thought hard) to find the answer. 他绞尽脑汁以寻求答案。 2 [VP3A] ~ over sth, think deeply about it. 深思(某事)。 3 [VP15B] ~ sth out, (try to) find the answer or solution by hard thought. 苦思而找出答案或解决某问题。 ~ment n state of being ~d. 困惑; 苦思。 puzxder n puzzling question: 难解之问题: ask sb a few ~ rs. 问某人一些难题。 That's a real ~ r! 那真是个难题!




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