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单词 spoil
spoil/spɔ ɪl/ v [-ed,-ed/d/ or spoiltspoilt/spɔ ɪlt/]

(1)破(损,弄)坏;糟踏;毁掉(damage or ruin;make baduseless or valuelessetc)[T+n]:The scandal/His carelessness spoilt his chance for reelection (his work). 那丑闻/他的粗心毁了他再度当选的机会(他的工作)。Our holidays (outing) were (was) spoilt by bad weather/the heavy rain.我们的假期(远足)让坏天气/那场大雨给搅了。stains/ink marks that~the painting (the dress) 毁了那幅画(那件衣服)的污迹/墨迹;spoilt ballot papers 废选票;Too many cooks spoil the broth.(prov) 厨师多了烧坏汤(人多反坏事)。〖同〗ruin,damage,destroy,harm,injure;〖反〗improve;

(2)溺爱,宠坏(harm the character of (esp a child) by treating too kindly or give too much attentionpraiseetc)[T+n]:a spoilt child 一个被宠坏的孩子;~one's son/that child dreadfully 非常溺爱自己的儿子/娇惯那孩子;The child was terribly spoilt.那孩子被过分关心所宠坏。Spare the rod and spoil the child. 孩子不打不成器。enjoy being~ed from time to time 喜欢不时受宠;〖同〗humour;〖反〗deprive,discipline;

(3)(食物)变坏(质),腐败((of foodetc) become bad or unfit to be eaten etc)[I]:It is a pity to let the dinner~. 让饭菜变馊了真可惜。Fruit~s if kept too long. 水果放得太久会腐烂。〖同〗decay,rot,sour,turn;〖反〗preserve,conserve,save;

→′spoilage n(食物)变坏(质);′spoiler n 把事情搞坏的人;造成(物)变坏的东西;(飞机)减速阻流板;(汽车)扰流器;spoils n 赃物;战利品;(通过政治力量获得的)利益;′spoil-sport n 大煞风景的人;






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