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单词 spin
spin/spɪn / vspun /spʌn / or古语span/spæn /,spun /spʌn /; -nn-]; n

v (1)(使)迅速旋转((cause to) go round and round rapidly)[II+prepI+advT+nT+n+adv (round)]:The top/dancer was~ning merrily. 陀螺/跳舞者欢快地旋转着。wheels~ning on the icy pavement 在结冰的路面上打转的轮子;~around and around in the chair 坐在椅子上不停地转;love to~tops 喜欢抽陀螺;~sb round 使某人转圈子;~the wheel of one's car to turn the corner 迅速转动方向盘使汽车拐过街角;〖同〗turn,rotate,wheel;

(2)纺纱(线),纺织(make thread from (woolcottonetc) by drawing out and twist-ing)[IT+nT+n+prep (from/into)]:enjoy~ning 喜爱纺纱;a~ning mill 纺纱厂;~one's own yarn 自己纺纱;~thread on a spindle 把线绕在纱锭上;Cotton is spun into thread. 棉花可纺成线。~cotton into yarn 把棉花纺成纱;~wool from goat's hair 将羊毛纺成毛线;

(3)吐丝,作茧,织网(form (a threadwebcocoonetc) from a fluid emitted from the bodyas spiders and certain insects do)[T+n]:The spider has spun a web. 那蜘蛛已织了一张网。(silkworm)~a cocoon(蚕) 结蚕茧;see the spider~ning its web 看见蜘蛛在结网;

spin (sb) a yarn 编撰故事:The sailer used to~yarns about his life at sea. 那个海员过去常常胡编一些他的海上生涯的故事。

spin along (v adv/prep)奔驰,疾驶(vi & vt):The car was~ning along (the highway). 汽车(在公路上)疾驶。

spin out (v adv)尽可能延长,维持(vt):How can I~my money out till the end of the month? 我怎样才能坚持把钱花到月底呢?~one's speech/one's project out for a long time 把讲话/工程拖延很长时间;

n(1)旋转(act of turning or rotating rapidly)[Ua~]:the~of a coin/a wheel 硬币/轮子的旋转;go into a~打转;a~of 8 turns per second 每秒八圈的转速;gamble one's money on one~of the wheel 把钱押在了一局轮盘赌上;The pitcher gave (a)~to the ball.(棒球)投球手发了一个旋转球。~bowling 投转球;~bowler 旋转球投手;〖同〗turn,spinning,rolling,rotation;

(2)乘汽车或骑自行车短途旅行(兜风)(short ride or drive for pleasure in a car or on a bike)[Ua~]:(infml):go for/have a~in one's new car 开自己的新车去兜风;take a~around the town 乘车在城里兜一圈;take one's motorbike for a quick~开摩托车转一小圈;〖同〗turn,whirl;

(3)急速旋转下降(downward movement or trendesp one that is suddenalarmingetc)[C,通常sing]:go into a~开始旋转下降;come/get out of a~停止旋转下降;Steel prices went into a~. 钢铁价格急剧下降。

→′spinner n 纺纱工;板球的旋转球;旋转球投手;′spinning n 纺织;͵spin-′dry v 甩干;͵spin-′drier n 甩干机;′spin-off n 副产品;

【辨异】spin circleturnrotaterevolvewhirlroll的区别见CIRCLE。





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