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单词 sport
sport/spɔ:t, AmE spɔ:rt/ nv [-ed,-ed/ ɪd/]

n (1)运动,体育竞技活动(游戏)((particular form of) outdoor or indoor physical activitycompetition or game done for exercise or amusementusu played according to fixed rules)[UC]:play a lot of~经常运动;be very keen on/fond of~of all kinds 对各种运动都十分喜爱;famous men in the world of~体育界知名人士;winter/country/athletic~s 冬季/乡间户外/田径运动;one's favourite~自己最喜欢的运动;Which~does he like best ? 他最喜欢哪些运动?a~s field/programme 运动场/体育节目;a~s day 运动会;the~s page/coverage of the paper 报纸的运动版面/体育新闻报道;〖同〗game,competition,contest,athletics;

(2)运动会(meeting for athletic competitions)[pl]:track and field~s 田径运动会;have races of all kinds of the school/college/inter-university~s 中学/大学/大学校际进行各种竞赛;After the~s the mayor gave away the prizes. 运动会之后市长颁发奖品。

(3)玩笑(耍),娱乐(fun;amusement)[U]:be all in~都是笑话;say sth/tease sb in~说着玩/逗弄某人玩;do sth for~为消遣做某事;find it great~to slide down the muddy bank 发现滑下泥岸非常好玩;provide the other boys with a great deal of~向那些孩子们提供许多笑话;〖同〗play,fun,merrymaking;〖反〗seriousness;

(4)爽朗(随和,大度)的人(good-natured and generous-minded person esp one who accepts defeat or trouble in a cheerful uncomplaining way)[C](旧用法):Be a good~! 做一个爽朗的人! a bad/poor/good~体育道德坏/差/好的人;John is a good~. He's ready to try anything. 约翰是个输得起的人,他随时准备尝试一切。

(5)(一种称呼)伙计(伴),哥们儿,朋友((as a term of address) fellow friend)[C] (esp AmE,infml):How are you,old~! 你好,老伙计!

(6)变态的动(植)物(animal or plant that shows an unusual or singular way at deviation from the normal or parent type)[C]:The frog is a~;it has five legs.这青蛙是变种,有五条腿。

make sport of sb (fml)开……的玩笑,嘲笑:Don't make~of the lame boy. 不要嘲笑那跛脚的男孩。

→′sportscast n(电台或电视台)播送体育节目主持人;′sportscaster n(电台或电视台)体育节目播音员;′sports-editor n 体育新闻编辑;′sportsman,′sportswoman n 男(女)运动员;男(女)体育爱好者;′sportsmanlike n 有运动员品格的;′sportsmanship n 运动员品格;′sporting adj 运动的,对运动有兴趣的;′sporty adj 擅长运动的;时髦漂亮的,花哨的;′sportily adv 花哨地;′sportiness n 花哨;

v (1)炫耀地穿戴,夸示,卖弄(wear publicly;display or show off)[T+n]:~beards/moustaches 神气地留着络腮胡子/小胡子;be~ing a bright red necktie/a diamond ring 引人注目地系着鲜红色的领带/戴着钻石戒指;〖同〗display,exhibit,flourish,carry,beat;

(2)玩耍,游(嬉)戏(play aboutenjoy oneself)[II+adv][通常prog](lit):The colts (seals) were~ing about/around in the water. 小马(海豹)在水中嬉戏。〖同〗play;

【辨异】 1)sport racerun的区别见RACE。2)sportgameplay的区别见GAME。





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