Ⅰ ❶ (解除约束;使自由) release;set free;let go:释 ~ release;set free;
不 ~ 他走 won't let him go;
抓住绳子不 ~ won't let go of the rope;
解 ~ emancipate;liberate;~ 开搞活 allow flexibility;~ 开手脚 ~ give ... a free hand to;
把俘虏 ~ 了 release the captives;
把游泳池里的水 ~ 掉 let the water out of the swimming pool
❷ (在一定的时间停止) stop:~ 学 (of school) close;~ 工 knock off
❸ (放纵) give way to;let oneself go:~ 声大笑 laugh a hearty laugh;~ 言高论 have a highflown talk;~ 声歌唱 sing heartily;~ 声大哭 cry loudly and bitterly
❹ (把牛羊等赶到草地里吃草) put out to pasture;let off for prey:~羊 let off sheep to pasture;~ 牛 put cattle out to pasture;pasture [graze] cattle;~ 鹰 release hawk for prey;~ 鸭 tend ducks
❺ (把人驱逐到边远的地方) send away:流 ~ send into exile;
下 ~ 农村 send to the countryside
❻ (发出) give out:~ 箭 shoot arrow;~ 炮 fire guns;~ 焰火 set off fireworks;~ 风筝 fly a kite
❼ (点燃) light;fire:~ 爆竹 light firecrackers;~ 火 set on fire
❽ (借钱给人,收取利息) lend money for interest: ~ 款 make loans;loan;~ 高利贷 practise usury
❾ (扩展) expand;enlarge;let out:~ 宽一寸 let out an inch;~ 松一点 loosen it a little
❿ (花开) blossom:心花怒 ~ be wild with joy;
百花齐 ~ a hundred flowers in bloom;
一花独 ~。 A flower blooms alone.
⓫ (搁置) lay aside;leave alone;put aside:先 ~ 一 ~ lay it aside for the moment;~ 在一边 put aside
⓬ (弄倒) fell:上山 ~ 树 go up the mountain to fell trees
⓭ (使处于一定的位置) place;put:把书 ~ 在书架上 put the book on the shelf;~ 回原处 place where it is;
把人民的利益 ~ 在个人利益之上 place the interests of the people above personal interests
⓮ (加进去) add;put in:~ 点糖 put in a little bit of sugar;
菜里多 ~ 点酱油。 Put a bit more soy sauce in the food [dish].
⓯ (控制自己) readjust oneself to a certain extent:~ 稳重些。 Be sedate. ~ 老实点(儿)! You behave yourself! 脚步 ~ 轻些。 Tread softly. 把速度 ~ 慢点。 Slow down a little.
⓰ (放映) show:~ 幼灯 show slides;~ 录像 turn on the videorecorder;~ 电视 turn on the TV
⓱ (保存) keep:存 ~ 银行 deposit in the bank;
安 ~ put away in safe place Ⅱ (姓氏) a surname:~ 齐 Fang Qi
◆放暗箭 stab (sb.) in the back;attack sb. with unfriendly remarks behind his back;snipe (at sb.);
放步 advance with big strides;
放蚕 outdoor rearing of tussah silkworm;
放长线,钓大鱼 To catch a big fish one must cast a long line.;throw a long line to catch a big fish — adopt a long-term plan to secure sth. big;trail a long line in order to catch a big fish;
放出 give out;let out;emit;discharge;snap out;bleed;spray;go into;give off;send out;escape into;exude;disengage;extract;eject;
放达 [书] unconventional and unrestrained;
放大 amplify;magnify;boost;enlarge;blow up;gain;amplification;enhancement;multiplication;magnification;magnifying;
放大镜检查 lens examination;
放大炮 speak with a sharp tongue;brag;
放大器 amplifier;pantograph;enlarger;magnifier;
放大眼光 enlarge one's eyesight — to have a broad view of;
放胆 act boldly and with confidence;
放诞 wild in speech and behavior;
放诞不羁 dissolute in conduct;dissipated and unrestrained;reckless and dissipated in behavior and speech;
放诞不经 absurd (talk etc.);fantastic;
放诞风流 reckless and dissipated in behavior and speech;
放诞无礼 be guilty of a liberty;
放荡 dissolute;dissipated;unconventional;
放荡不羁 lead a fast [licentious] life;give full rein to one's low passions;have full swing;have one's fling;have [take] one's swing [one's full swing];licentious in conduct;unconventional and unrestrained;
放荡度日 pass the day recklessly [dissolutely];放刀成佛 drop the knife and become a Buddha;
放电 {物} (electric) discharge;electro-discharge;discharging;
放电管 discharge tube;discharging tube;discharge lamp;ignitron;subnitron;
放刁 make difficulties for sb.;act in a rascally manner;
放东西撑住 prop;
放毒 put poison in food,water,etc.;poison;make vicious remarks;spread poisonous ideas;
放饭流歠 hurry over one's meals;at a hurried meal;
放风 let in fresh air;let prisoners out for exercise or to relieve themselves ; leak certain information;spread news or rumours;[方] be on the lookout;act as a lookout;
放风筝 kiteflying;fly a kite;
放高利贷 lend out money at an exorbitant rate of interest;give a loan at a usurious rate of interest;lend money at usury;practise usury;
放工 (of works) knock off;
放光彩 iridescence;
放过 let off;let slip;
放虎归山 set free a tiger back to the mountains;lay by trouble for the future;let the tiger escape to the mountain again;let [allow] the tiger return to the mountain — to breed calamity for the future;send the tiger back to the mountains;set a tiger free;
放虎自卫 release a tiger to protect oneself— to bring trouble on oneself while attempting to avoid it with other means;
放怀 to one's heart's content;
放荒 set fire to woods and grass in a mountainous area;
放回原处 replacing;
放火 set fire to;set on fire;commit arson;create disturbances;
放火抢劫 burn horses and loot;
放火烧山 set the mountain on fire;
放火烧身 set a fire going and draw it upon oneself;
放火为号 produce a flare as a signal;
放假 have a holiday or vacation;begin a vacation;give sb. a holiday;have a day off;
放肩 shouldering;
放箭 release;
放开 let go;lift the control over;
放空 evacuation;unloading;emptying;voidance;sailing in ballast;eightload sailing;
放空炮 talk big;spout hot air;indulge in idle boasting;
放空气 drop a hint;spread word;create an impression;
放空枪 fire blank shots;
放宽 relax restrictions;relax;
放宽条件 soften the terms;
放宽胸怀 be broad-minded;
放宽政策 implement [make] policies more flexibly;adopt more liberal policies;introduce more flexible policies;softening policies in casing restrictions;
放款 make [grant] loans;loan;credit;
放浪 unrestrained;dissolute;
放浪形骸 be completely informal (as among friends);given to sensual pleasures;forget oneself — unrestrained;
放冷风 spread unfounded rumours;make false statements about a person so as to damage his character;
放冷箭 injure insidiously;stab in the back;make sarcastic remarks;make a sneak attack;resort to underhand means;
放利多怨 To exact a rate of interest contracts enmity.;
放量 to the limit of one's capacity (in eating or drinking);
放疗 {医} radiotherapy;
放龙归海 allow the dragon to reach the sea;allow a tiger to return to his lair;give a man his chance;release a dragon into the sea;
放马后炮 fire belated shots;criticize [make comments] on [about] sth. after it is already over;do sth. which no longer needs to be done;mount on [flog] a dead horse;start firing after the enemy has gone;
放慢 slow;delay;
放明白些 You ought to know better!;Be sensible!;放牧 put out to pasture;graze;grazing;pasture;pasturage;livestock farming;herd;
放牛娃 child cowherd;
放盘 sale at reduced prices;sale;
放炮 (打炮) fire a gun;blowout (of a tyre,etc.);blasting;shoot off one's mouth;
放辟邪侈 indulge in evildoings;
放屁 break wind;passwind;let out;fart;talk nonsense;
放气 gassing;outgassing;air-bleed;exhaustion;exit;deflation;gas release;
放弃 give up;abandon;renounce;back-out;forsake;resign;surrender;abstain from;forgo;render (up);back down;drop;pack in;wash out;put away;get out of;
放弃要求 quit claim;
放青 put cattle out to graze;
放晴 clear up (after rain);
放权 delegate powers to lower levels;
放热 heat release;{化} exothermic;thermopositive;exothermal;give out heat;
放任 not interfere;let go unchecked;let alone;noninterference;laissez-faire;
放任不羁 (to have) unrestrained license;
放任(式)管理 drifting- management;permissive management;
放任式领导 laissez-faire leadership;permissive leadership;
放任主义 the policy of non-interference — laissez-faire;
放任自流 follow one's own inclination;let sb. do as he likes [chooses];let things drift [slide];take a liberal attitude towards oneself;take one's own course;
放任自由 with a loose rein; allowing unrestrained freedom;laissez-faire [法];放散 (of smoke,scent,etc.) diffuse;spread;spawning;
放哨 stand sentry;be on sentry go;stand sentinel over;
放射 radiate;emit;blas;radiation;emission;shooting;shedding;abjection;emanation;effluence; 放射性 {物} radioactivity;activity;emissivity;
放射性同位素 radioactive isotope;radio isotope;
放声 playback;sound reproduction;
放声大喊 lift up one's voice;
放声大哭 weep aloud;burst into loud sobbing;burst out sobbing;cry outright;cry without restraint;give way to a storm of weeping;lift up one's voice and weep [wail];raise one's voice in loud [mighty] weeping;set up loud lamentations;sob loudly;utter a great cry;wail at the top of one's voice;weep in a loud voice;
放声大笑 screams放声歌唱 sing at the top of one's voice;lift up one's voice and sing;sing loud;
放声痛哭 utter a stifled cry of agony;raise one's voice in great weeping;
放生 free captive animals;buy captive fish or birds and set them free;
放手 let go;release;let go one's hold;have a free hand;go all out;have more access to;
放手操纵 hands-off control;
放手发动 freely to mobilize;boldly to arouse;
放手去做 do sth. with a free hand — to pluck up courage and do it;
放水 turn on the water;(of a reservoir) draw off;disembogue;
放肆 unbridled;wanton;
放肆无忌 throw all restraint to the winds;unbridled and run amuck;
放肆无礼 be guilty of taking liberties;
放松 relax;slacken;loosen;uncage;
放送 send out (over a loudspeaker,etc.);broadcast;
放调结合 lift price controls on some commodities while readjusting price controls on others;
放下 lay down;put down;
放下屠刀 drop [lay down] the butcher's knife — to reform an evildoer into a good person;
放下屠刀,立地成佛 The butcher who lays down his knife at once becomes a Buddha.;A butcher becomes a Buddha the moment he drops his cleaver.;A wrongdoer achieves salvation as soon as he gives up evil.;drop the butcher's knife and immediately become a Buddha;throw away one's butcher knife and become a Buddha;
放像 video reproduction;
放心 set one's mind at rest;be at ease;rest assured;rest one's heart;feel relieved [safe];放行 let sb. pass;
放行李处 baggage stand;
放学 classes are over;school is over (for the day);leave school;close;have summer or winter holidays;
放血 bloodletting;bleeding;haemospasia;
放眼 take a broad view;scan widely;
放眼世界 have [take] the whole world in view;open our eyes to the whole world;
放养 put (fish,etc.) in a suitable place to breed;stocking;
放音 playback;sound reproduction;reproducing;
放音键 playback;play button;
放影灯 cinema lamp;
放映 show;project;reproduction;
放淤 colmatage;colmation;warping;desilt;desilting;
放债 lend money for interest;
放债剥削 extend loans to exploit others;
放赈救灾 give relief and avert calamity;
放之四海而皆准 be applicable everywhere;be universally applicable;valid everywhere;
放置 lay up;lay aside;place;
放逐 send into exile;exile;banish;
放恣 [书] proud and self-indulgent;proud and undisciplined;
放恣失仪 debauched and impolite;
放纵 let sb. have his own way;connive at;indulge;self-indulgent;acolasia;undisciplined.;
放纵不羁 uninhibited;bohemian;
放走 release;set free;let go
open wide
“~”还是“收”?这是个方针问题。~,就是放手让大家提意见。Whether to“open wide”or“restrict”,this is a question of policy. To“open wide”means to let all people express their opinions freely./我们主张~的方针,现在还是~得不够,不是~得过多。We are for the policy of “opening wide”;So far there has been too little of it rather than too much./中国的开放政策不是“收”,而是要继续“~”。China will continue its policy of opening to the outside world on a broader scale,rather than backing away from it./我们的指导思想不是收,而是要进一步“~”。Our guideline is not to retreat from the opening-up policy but to press ahead with it./~得更开一些be bolder