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单词 blank
释义 blank /biaeqk; dlseyk/ adj 1 (of paper, parts of a document, etc) with nothing written, printed or drawn on it: (指纸,部分文件等) 空白的; 未写字、印字或昼图的: ~ sheet of paper; 一张白纸; a ~ page/space. 空白的一页 (一晚空白) 。 ~ 'bill. Bill of Exchange on which the name of the person to be paid is not stated. 不记名汇票 (受款人姓名未写明者) 。 ] ~ 'cheque, one with the amount left for the payee to fill in. (金额由受款人自行填写的) 空白支票。 give sb a ~ cheque, (fig) full power to act as he thinks best. (喻) 请某人全权处理。 2 empty; without interest or expression: 茫然的; 空虚的; 无兴趣的; 无表情的: There was a ~ look on his face, He seemed not to be interested, not to understand, etc. 他的脸上毫无表情。 He looked ~, puzzled. 他看起来似感困惑。 His future looks ~, seems to be enTpty and dull. 他的珂途似很黯淡。 My mind went ~, I could not recall things, esp things I needed to be aware of. 我心中西然 (脑中一片空白,什么都忘了) 。 'cartridge, with a charge of powder, but no bullet. 空包弹 (有火药而无弹丸的子弹) 。 ~ 'verse, (usu lines of ten syllables) without rhyme. 无韵诗 (通常一行十个音节) 。 l 'wall, one with no door, window or other opening. 无门窗或洞孔的箱。 come up against a ~ wall, (fig) be unable to find support, information, etc. (喻) 碰壁 (未能觅得支援、资料等) 。 n 1 space left empty or to be filled (in sth printed or written): (表格等中的) 空白处; 空格: In a telegraph form there are ~s for the name and address, the message, etc. 在电报纸上有填写姓名、住址、电文等的空格。 When Tom was doing his French translation, he left ~s for all the words he did not know. 汤姆翻译法文时把所有不认识的字都空下来。 2 lottery ticket that does not win a prize. 未中奖的奖券。 draw a ~, get nothing (after hoping to win or find sth). 抽空纂; 希望赢而未 (; 希望找到而未找到。 3 empty surface; emptiness: 空白的表面; 空虚: His mind/ memory was a complete ~, he could remember nothing. 他的记忆完全是一片空白 (什么都记不得了) 。 The death of her husband in the war left a big ~ in her life. 她的丈夫在战争中死去了,使她觉得一切均茫然空虚。 4 [C, U] ~ cartridge: 空弹; 空包弹: They fired twenty rounds of -/twenty ~ $ 他们放了二十发的空弹。 ~ly adv




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