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单词 blanket
释义 blanket /'blaeqkit; 'blaeijkit/ n 1 thick, woollen covering used on beds, or for keeping a horse warm in a stable, etc: 毛毯; 毡子: (fig) (喻) a ~ of snow. 一片白雪。 wet ~, (colloq) person who, by being gloomy himself, prevents others from enjoying themselves. (U) 自己不快活也不容别人快活的人; 扫典的人。 2 (used attrib) covering all cases or 【 classes: (形容用法) 包括一切情形或种类的; 综合的; 总痞的:。~ ( = comprehensive) insurance policy; 统保保险单; 全险保单; ~ instructions, intended to provide for everything. 总括的指示; vt [VP6A, 14] ~ (in/with), cover thickly: 厚厚地盖着…; 浓密地 38 疽着…: The valley was ~ed with fog. 浓雾弥漫着山谷。




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