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单词 black
释义 black /black; blaek/ adj (-er, -est) 1 without light or almost without light; the colour of this printiag-ink; opposite to white. 黑暗的; 黑色的; 黑的。 be — and blue, covered with bruises. 遍布青一块、紫 - 块的伤痕。 ~ in the face, dark red or purple (with anger or because of making great efforts). (因发怒或使劲而)脸色发红或发紫; 脸色发青。 be in sb's ~ book(s), book'(6). look ~ at sb; give sb a ~ look, look at him angrily. 怒视某 A. not so ~ as one is painted, not so bad as one is said to be. 不像传闻疏么坏。 2 (various uses, mostly to intensify the meaning of the n): (各种用法,大都用以加强名词的意义): ~ despair, deep, dismal; 深深的绝望; ~ tidings, sad news, causing despair; 坏消息; 令人绝望的消息; ~ deeds, wicked; 黑心的事; in one of his ~ moods, silent and bad-tempered. 在他一阵默然不悦的心情中。 3 (of work in a factory, shipyard, etc during a strike; of the materials, etc) not to be done, handled, etc: (指罢工期间工厂、船坞等中之工作; 指材料等)不予完成、 处理等的: The strikers declared the work/cargo ~. 罢工者宣布该工作不予完成(船货不予处理)。 4 (compounds, etc) (复合字等) ~ and white, ink drawing. 墨毒。 (have sth down) in ~ and white. (have it) recorded in writing or print. (把某事)记录下来; 写在纸上; 印出来。 ~ art, magic, used for evil purposes. 魔术; 妖术。 '~ ball vt prevent (sb) from being elected a member of a club by voting against him at a secret ballot. (在秘密鱼:票中)投反对票以阻止(某人)被选为会员。 '~-beetle n cockroach. 蝉螂。 '~-berry /'blaekban US: -ben; 'blaek/ben/ n (pl -ries) small berry, ~ when ripe, growing wild on bushes (called brambles): 黑莓(一种小浆果,成熟时呈黑色,野生于称为悬钓子之灌木上): go ~ berrying /-beniij; -berny/. go out gathering ~ berries. 出去采黑莓。 → the illus at fruit. 参看 fruit 之插图。 '~-bird n common European songbird. 山乌类(一种常见于欧洲之鸣禽)。 ' ~- board n board used in schools for writing and drawing on with chalk. 黑板。 ~ 'box n device for recording information about the perform-ance of an aircraft. 黑盒(记录飞机作业资料的装置)。 l 'coffee n coffee without milk, usu strong. 纯咖啡; 黑咖啡(不加牛奶之咖啡, 通常很浓)。 ~ comedy n (theatre) comedy with a tragic element or basic pessimism, usu heavily ironical. (戏剧)有悲剧或悲观成分的喜剧(通常富于讽刺性)。 cf 参较 sick joke, the 'B~ Country, the smoky, industrial area in Staffordshire and Warwickshire, 在斯塔福郡及瓦立克郡之烟雾濑漫的工厂区域。 — 'cur-rant n kind of currant with ~ fruit. 黑栗。 cur-rant(2). the, ~ 'flag, flag formerly used by pirates (sea-robbers); flag once used at prisons as a signal that a murderer had been executed by hanging. 黑旗(从前为海盗所用者,亦钟用于监狱,表示有杀人犯被处绞刑)。 ~ 'frost n hard frost without rime. 黑霜; 严霜。 '~-guard /'blaegad; 'blaegvd/ n person who is quite without honour; scoundrel. 下流的人; 无赖; 流氓。 vt call (sb) a ~guard; use very bad language about or to (sb). 骂(某人)下流; 辱骂(某人)。 ~fluard.|y /'blaegadlx; 'blaegvdli/ adj dishonest and immoral: 卑郑的; 下流的: a ~ guardly trick. 卑母的手段。 '~head n (kind of) pimple on the skin, the top being ~. 尖头呈黑色之丘疹; 黑头粉剌。 ~ 'hole n (astron) region in space from which no matter or radiation (eg light) can escape. (天文)黑洞(太空中一区域,不会放出任何物质或辐射,如光等)。 ~ ice n ice, esp on a road surface, which is almost invisible and dangerous to drive on. 黑冰(尤指路面上所结之几乎看不见的冰,驾车于其上有危险)。 .— lead n [U] soft, grey-black solid (plumbago, or graphite) used for lead pencils, polishing and as a lubricant. 石墨; 黑铅(用于制铅笔心,打光及作润滑剂)。 vt polish, eg a fireplace, with ~-lead. 角石墨打光(壁愈等)。 leg n person who offers to work when the regular workers are on strike. 在正式工人罢工期间自求做工者; 不参加罢工的工人。匚 I vi, vt (-gg-) act as ~ leg; betray (fellow workers) by doing this. 在罢工期间背弃(其他工人)而自行上工。 '~-list n list of persons who are considered dangerou$ or who are to be punished. 黑名单(内列被认为系危险人物或应受惩罚者)。 vt enter the name of (sb) on a ~ list. 把(某人)列入黑名单。 ~ 'magic n witchcraft. 魔术; 妖术。 vt, n [U] (force sb to make a) payment of money for not making known sth discreditableabout him. 敲许; 勒索; 敲诈或勒索之款 o Hence, 由此产生, '~mailer n person who does this. 敲诈者; 勒索者。 ~ Ma'ria /ma'raia; msraid/ n van for taking prisoners from and to jail. 囚车。 l 'mark n (fig) mark(4) of bad conduct, failure, etc: (喻)行为不良、失败等之污,点: Her continual lateness was a ~ mark against her promotion. 她不断的迟到是不利于她升职的一个污点。 [ ~ 'market n unlawful buying and selling of goods, currencies, etc that are officially controlled; place where such trading is carried on. ,黑市交易(对于官方控制之货物、货币等之非法买卖); 黑市; 进行黑市交易之杨所 3 ~ .marke'teer /,mo: ki'tis(r) marka'tir/ n person carrying on this trade. 经詹黑市交易者; 黑市黄牛。 l 'mass n travesty of the RC Mass, for Satan instead of God. 黑弥撒(冒渎的模仿天主敎之弥撒,所赞颂者是撤旦, 而非上帝)。 '~out n a (during wartime) the keeping of all buildings, etc, dark (by curtains, etc, in windows, by having no streetlighting, etc) in order to prevent any light being seen, esp from the air. (战时之)灯火管制(尤指为防空袭而实施者)。 b temporary complete failure of the memory or consciousness; (esp flying) temporary blindness caused by a sudden turn or a change in speed. 暂时的丧失记忆或知觉; (尤指)黑虽(飞行中因突然转向或改变速度所致的暂时性失明)。 c extinguishing of all lights on the stage of a theatre, eg for a change of scenery. 舞台上之熄灯(如为换布景)。 a ~ out vt, vi [VP15B, 2A] cause a ~out (a and c above); lose one's memory, etc. temporarily. 实施灯火管制; 熄去舞台上的全部灯光; 熄灯; 暂时失去记忆等。,B~ Panther n (US, 1960's) member of a militant B~ Power group. 黑豹党党徒(美国黑人 I960 年代黑权运动中之战斗分子)。旧 ~ 'Power n (US, 1960's) militant movement for civil rights for Negroes. 黑权运动(美国 I960 年代争取黑人民权之战斗运动)。 ~ 'pudding n sausage made of blood, suet, barley, etc. (用血、 板油、大麦等制成的)黑香肠。 ~ Sash n (S Africa) women's anti-apartheid organization. (南非)黑带组织(反对种族隔雌制度之妇女组织)。 sheep n good-for-nothing person. 无用的人; 名誉很坏的人; 害群之马; 败家子。 'B—shirt n member of the former Italian Fascist party. (#2.) 义大利黑衫党(法西斯党) 党员。 '~-smith n man who makes and repairs things of iron, esp a shoer of horses. 铁匠; (尤指) 马蹄铁匠。' ~ spot n place (eg on a Toad) where accidents often happen. (道路等之)常发生意外之处。 '~ thorn n thorny shrub which has white blossom before the leaves appear and purple fruit (sloe) like a small plum. 樱属的一种有剌灌木(在未发叶前开白花,其果实称作 sloe, 呈紫色,似小李子) o ,—water 'fever n tropical disease with bloody urine. 黑水热; 黑尿热(带血尿之一种热带病)。 n 1 [U] ~ colour: 黑色: He was dressed in ~, in ~ clothes. 他穿着黑色衣服。 2 [U] ~ paint or dye. 黑色颜料或染料。 3 [C] particle of soot. 煤烟之微粒。 4 [C] Negro (formerly derog, but now widely used) 黑人 (从前为贬抑语, 但今已广泛使用) 。 5 the ~, credit side of business accounts. 目之) 贷方。 be in/get into the ~, have/get assets that exceed liabilities. 有 iK 余。 → red n (4). vt [VP6A] 1 make ~, polish (boots, etc), with blacking. 使变黑; 用牡油擦 (靴等) 。 2 declare ~ (3): 宣布…不予完成或处理: The strikers ~ed the ship/ the cargo. 罢工者宣布不完成那艘船 (不处理船货) 。 ~ out, c ~ out above.




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