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单词 spring
spring1/sprɪ ŋ/ v sprang /spræ ŋ/, sprung/sprʌ ŋ/]; n

v (1)跳跃(起)(jumpleap or move swiftly or suddenly (usu upwards)) [I+prepI+adv]:~to one's feet/over the wall/into the air/through the gap 突然站起/跳过墙/跃入空中/穿过间隙;~out of bed/the bushes 自床上跳下来/从灌木丛中跳出来;wolves~ing for sb's throat 扑向某人喉咙的狼;~into action 突然采取行动;~forward to help sb 跳过去帮助某人;~(up) from one's seat 从座位上跳起来;〖同〗leap,jump,bound,start;〖反〗fall,drop,crawl,creep;

(2)(使)发(启)动,(使)弹起(开)((cause to) act swiftly by means of a mechanism)[IT+n]:~a trap/a mine 触发捕捉器/引爆地雷;The box sprang open. 盒子砰的一声弹开了。The door sprang shut. 门突然关上了。〖同〗release;

(3)帮助犯人逃跑(arrange for sb to escape from prison)[T+n](infml):~a convict from a prison/a gaol 帮助囚犯越狱;

spring back (v adv)忽然弹回(vi):The ball sprang back and hit him. 球弹回打在他身上。

spring to mind 突然想起:An objection sprang to mind. 突然想起一个反对的理由。

spring a leak 破裂漏水:The ship sprang a leak. 这条船突然裂了一条缝。

spring in(to) life 突然活跃起来:The engine sprang into life. 发动机立刻启动了。

spring from (v prep) 1)源于,出身于(vt):Her doubts~from too much experience of failure. 她的怀疑来源于过多的失败经历。He sprang from peasant stock.他出身农民。2)突然出现(vt):Where did you~from? I didn't hear you coming.你从哪儿冒出来的? 我没听见你进来。

spring sth on sb (v prep)突然向某人提(说)出(vt):The government is hoping to keep the date of the election secret so that they can~it on the voters. 政府希望对选举日期保密以便让选民们措手不及。

spring up (v adv)突然(迅速)地出现(萌芽,长出)(vi):The boy has really sprang up this summer. I can hardly recognise him. 这个夏天那个男孩确实长高了,我几乎认不出来了。

n (1)跳(跃)(act of springingesp a leap or jump)[C]:reach sth with an easy~轻轻地一跳就够着了;a dancer's high~s 舞蹈演员的高跳;make a sudden~at the mouse/on one's prey 突然向老鼠/自己的猎物扑上去;rise with a~一跃而起;〖同〗jump,leap,bound;

(2)弹性(力)(condition or quality of being elastic)[Ua~]:The trampoline/rubber lost some of its~. 这跳床/橡皮失去了一些弹性。There is no~left in these old rubber bands. 这些旧橡皮圈已经失去了弹性。

(3)活力,劲头(active healthy quality)[Ua~]:have a~in one's walk (fig)走起路来充满活力;walk with a~in one's step/one's heels (fig) 以富有青春活力的脚步行走;〖同〗springiness;

(4)弹簧,发条(coil of wire or other similar device which can be compressed or squeezed down but returns to its original shape when released)[C]:a watch~手表发条;the~s of a watch 手表的发条;the~s in an armchair 扶手椅的弹簧;need new~s 需要新弹簧;a~clip 弹簧夹;~balance 弹簧秤;a~-mattress 弹簧床垫;

(5)泉水(place where there is water coming out of the ground naturally)[C]:a bubbling/mineral/hot~冒气泡的水泉/矿泉/温泉;The~s here are rich in mineral salt. 这里的泉水富含矿物盐。~water 泉水;〖同〗well,waterhole,fountain,wellspring;

→′springy adj 有弹性(力)的;有生气(活力)的;′springiness n 活性(力);′spring-board n 跳板;发展的起点;spring-′tide n 大潮;

【辨异】spring bouncejumpleap的区别见BOUNCE。





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