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单词 平安无事

平安无事píng ān wú shì

all is clear (/quiet/serene/well); in peace; in perfect tranquillity; on good terms;plain (/easy/smooth) sailing;reach safety; with (/in) a whole skin; no trouble; without incident (mishap)
❍ 我在三楼临街的地方,挂上一个“吞口”,这就是我们联系的警号。凡是到机关来的同志,总要先抬头看看,有“吞口”在,就表示~。(陶承《我的一家》80) I fixed a sign on a window on the second floor to indicate that all was clear. Any comrade coming here would first look up at the sign.
❍ 什么报告?在沟这边喊应了炮楼,说上两句‘~’,就拨马而回呗! (冯志《敌后武工队》428) How? They yelled from this side of the moat. After shouting ‘All is quiet,’they just left and that was all.
❍ 而今事得~。就是我这一项银子,也是为朋友上一时激于意气,难道就要你还?(《儒林外史》177) Luckily,all is now well,… as for the money,I spent it for friendship’s sake and I natually won’t hear of your paying it back.
❍ 吴婉容还同大家姊妹们约定了几个暗号,以便互相关照,希望大家在这“动辄得咎”的深宫里~,日后或许能熬到个出头之日。(姚雪垠《李自成》Ⅱ—824) By recognizing the danger signals,ser vants could avoid trouble in the palace and might even live to leave such a dangerous place.
❍ 托大家伙的福,这天算是~地过去了!(冯志《敌后武工队》255) Thanks to everybody’s good luck,the day has passed without incident!

平安无事pínɡ ān wú shì

平平安安,没有发生什么事情。all is well, all in peace, in a whole skin, safe and sound





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