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单词 inquire
inquireen-/ ɪn′kwaɪ ǝ(r) / v [-d,-d/d/,-eing /rɪ ŋ/]

(1)(询)问(try to find out by questions;ask)[T+nT+n+prep(of),T+whT+wh-inf]:~sb's name/the way to the museum/sb's reason for leaving/the answer (of sb)(向某人)询问某人的名字/到博物馆的路/某人走的原因/答案;~d (of sb) what time the bus left/whether sb wanted any help/why sb had not thought of that before(向某人)询问车离开的时间/某人是否需要帮助/为什么以前没有想到那件事;~where to go/how to do sth/where to stay 询问去哪儿/怎么做某事/暂住哪儿;

(2)查询,打听(ask for information)[II+prep(about)]:~by telephone/at the post office/at the information desk 打电话/在邮局/在问讯处查询;When I don't know I~. 我不知道的时候就打听。~about trains to London/directions/the weather conditions/sb's health/sb's past(询)问去伦敦的火车/路/天气状况/某人的健康/某人的过去;

inquire after(v prep)问候(vt):~after a friend/sb's wife/sb's parents问候朋友/某人的妻子/某人的父母;

inquire for (v prep) 1)要求见(vt):~for the manager/the person in charge 要求见经理/负责人; 2)设法得(买)到(vt):~for a certain book in a bookshop/the new catalogue 在书店查购某一本书/要新的目录;

inquire into(v prep)查问,调查(vt):~closely (thoroughly/further) into sb's sudden disappearance/the matter/sb's background/a rumor/a murder/an accident 仔细(彻底/进一步)调查某人的突然失踪/那件事/某人的背景/一个谣言/一件谋杀案/一起事故;

→in′quirer n 询问者;调查人;in′quiring adj 好问的,爱打听的;in′quiry,en′quiry n






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