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单词 discharge
dischargev/dɪs′tʃɑ:dʒ, AmE -′tʃɑ:rdʒ/ [-s/ ɪz/;-d, -d/d/;-eing/ ɪ ŋ/];n /′dɪstʃɑ:dʒ, AmE ′-tʃɑ:rdʒ/

v (1) 卸(船,货)((cause (a ship) to) unload) [T+n I]:~a ship 卸船;They~d the cargo at New York/the dock. 他们在纽约/那个船坞卸下货物。The ship~d (the cargo) at New York/the dock. 那艘船在纽约/那个船坞卸船(卸下货物)。〖同〗unload,unburden;〖反〗load,burden;

(2) 排(放、流、冒、泄)出((cause to)pass pour out; get rid of) [T+n I]:(motor)~fumes(发动机)排出强烈的汽油味;(chimney)~smoke(烟囱)冒烟;(boiler) ~steam(锅炉)放出蒸汽;(clouds)~electricity(云)放电;The town~s its waste (rubbish)into the river/the sea. 那个镇子把废水(垃圾)排入河中/倾入海中。The wound is~ing (pus). 伤口在流脓。The sewer is~ing(its contents). 污水管在排污水。The river~s (its water/itself) into the lake/the sea/the bay. 那河(把水)排入湖/海/海湾中。The drain~d into the street. 排水管把水排到街上。〖同〗send forth, give forth, pour forth;

(3) 开枪,发射(shoot or fire(a gun etc launch) [T+n I](fml):~a gun/a rifle/a revolver 开炮/枪/(左轮)枪;~arrows/bombs at sth 向……射箭/投炸弹;The gun~d. 枪响了。〖同〗fire, shoot, launch;

(4) 让离去,释放,解雇(除)(allow to leave; send away or dismiss) [T+n T+n+prep(from)]:~an accused man 开释被告;~a soldier/a servant/one's staff/the membership of the jury 让士兵退伍/解雇仆人/解聘员工/取消陪审员资格;The boat/aircraft~d its passengers. 船/飞机卸客。The Army/His boss~d him. 军队让他退伍/老板解雇了他。~a patient (from hospital)/a criminal (from prison)/a prisoner (from a detention camp) 让病人出院/罪犯出狱/犯人出拘留所;〖同〗release,liberate,free;fire,dismiss;

(5) 偿还(债务)(pay(a debt)) [T+n] (fml):~all one's debts 偿还全部债务;

(6) 履行(职责)(perform (a duty task etc)) [T+n](fml):~one's duties/one's obligations/one's responsibilities/one's last official act/one's promise 履行职责/义务/责任/最后的职责/诺言;~an errand/the office of president 履行使命/总统职务;〖同〗fulfil, perform;

n(1) 卸货;排(放,流,泄)出;射击;释放,解雇;偿还;履行(discharging or being discharged) [U]:the~of waste (into a river)/gas(from a container)/electricity(from clouds)/water (from a reservoir)/pus (from a wound)/a man(from the army)/a prisoner(from jail)废物排放(入河中)/煤气溢出(容器)/(云团)放电/水泄出(水库中)/(伤口)流出脓水/一个人退伍/一个囚犯获释;the~of cargo/a gun 货物的卸出/枪炮的发射;be given one's~from the army 获准退伍; get one's~from prison 得以出狱;arrange the~of one's debts 安排偿还债务事宜;be efficient/faithful in the~of one's duties 有成效地/忠实地履行职责;〖同〗discharging;removal,release,firing,shooting,fulfilment,performance;

(2) 排(放,流,冒,泄)出物(that which is poured sent or let out) [U C]:a~of electricity/pus 放电/流脓;the~s from a wound/a tree trunk/a chemical works 伤口流出的脓水/树干流出的浆液/化工厂排出的废物;〖同〗issue;

【辨异】1) 动词dischargedismissreleasefree都可表示“使自由”、“让离去”之意。discharge 此时多与法庭、军队等有关(表示“释放”、“让退伍”、“解雇”等意思);dismiss(解雇;解散)多指强迫离开,如:dismiss a servant(解雇一个仆人),也可指允许走,如:dismiss the students(解散学生);release(解脱,释放,解放),free(解脱,释放,解放)都可指使从束缚中解脱出来,如:release/free a prisoner(释放一个囚犯);2) 动词dischargeperformexecute 都可表示完成某一行动。perform(执行,履行)是个一般用语,通常指执行一种需要长时间和努力及技巧的事情,如:perform an operation(施行手术);discharge指履行正式的法律上的职责和义务;execute (执行,实施)指需要专业技术或熟练技巧的复杂事情,如:execute a tricky manoeuvre(实施复杂的战略调动);也可指执行命令或实施计划,如:execute sb's order/a plan(执行某人的命令/实施一计划)。





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