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单词 direct
direct2/də′rekt, dɪ′-, daɪ′-/ v [-ed, -ed/ ɪd/]

(1) 指点(示,引)方向(tell or show sb the way to a place) [T+nT+n+prep(to)]:Sign posts~travellers. 路标给路人指路。~sb wrongly 给某人指错路;Can you~me(to the post office), please? 请给我指点(去邮局的)路好吗?〖同〗indicate, point;

(2) 针对,向(intend that a particular person or group should notice(what one says or does)) [T+n+prep(to/at)](fml):~one's remarks/one's complaint to sb 向某人讲/申诉;My remarks were~ed to all the students. 我的话是对全体学生讲的。~the advertising/the warning/a question at sb 面向某人作广告/针对某人发出警告/向某人发问;〖同〗aim; address;

(3) 指(引)向,朝(turn or aim sth in a stated direction) [T+n+prep(to/towards/at)](fml):~sb's attention/sb's thought to(wards) a person (higher productivity) 把注意力/思想引向一个人(提高生产力);~one's efforts/one's energies to(wards) greater efficiency (improving conditions)致力/努力提高效率(改善条件);~one's step towards home/one's eyes towards the sky 朝家走/向天上看;~a blow at sb's head/a kick at the goal/a hose at a person 朝某人的头打去/朝球门踢去/把水管子冲向一个人;〖同〗aim, point;

(4) 写寄往地址(write the address on(a letter parcel etc)) [T+n T+n+prep(to)]:~a letter to sb's business (address)/sb's home (address)/the manager 在信上写上某人的工作地址/某人的家庭地址/经理的地址;

(5) 管理,指导,掌管(manage; control; organize) [T+n]:~the planning of the festival/the building of a new bridge/the affairs of the company/the activities of the community centre 主持节目的计划安排/新桥的建筑工程/公司的事务/社区中心的活动;~the traffic/the work/the business/the operation/the game 指挥交通/指导工作/掌管企业/主持手术/指导游戏;~a group of workers/the men 掌管一群工人/那些人;〖同〗manage,control,conduct,head,lead;

(6) 导演(guide the acting of (a film play etc)) [I T+n]:I prefer~ing to acting. 导演和表演两者之中我更喜欢前者。~a play/a film 导演一部剧/一部电影;~with a baton 用指挥棒指挥;~an orchestra/a concert/a symphony 指挥管弦乐队/音乐会/交响乐;

(7) 命令,指示(instruct order or command) [I T+that(should),C+n+to-inf](fml):We'll do as you~. 我们将遵照你的指示行事。(captain)~that the prisoners (should) be set free(上尉)命令释放俘虏;(owner)~that the factory (should) be closed(工厂主)下令关闭工厂;(captain)~the corporal to free the prisoners(上尉)命令下士释放俘虏;(officer)~the troops to attack/the soldiers to advance/the crowd to move back(军官)命令部队进攻/士兵们前进/人群后退;〖同〗order, command, instruct;

→di′rective n 指(训)令;di′rector n 董事;……长;导演;di′rection n;

【辨异】 1) directcommandorderinstruct的区别见COMMAND。2)directconductguidelead的区别见CONDUCT。





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